Page 73 of Yearning For Her

Kian sent me a picture of himself.

Hadn’t he told her it was in his best interest to avoid having his picture taken? And yet, he’d sent one to her. He trusted her.

She stopped and raised her phone, greedily taking in the image once more.

It is so unfair for a man to be so damn gorgeous.

She saved the image to her phone and sent a reply. It’s too late to take that picture back. It’s mine now.

Those little dots appeared, and Willow’s belly fluttered. Kian’s response only intensified her inner heat.

Look at it whenever you feel the need to touch yourself. Though, the real thing is available if you’d like a more interactive experience.

Her mind instantly went back to what they’d done on her couch, and her lips spread into a grin even as she blushed. You’re impossible. And a tease.

You know I’m willing to do much more than tease, Willow. You need only ask.

Glancing up, she slowly proceeded along the sidewalk. She knew she should’ve refrained, but she wanted to be cheeky, wanted to tease him back. She couldn’t stop her fingers from sending a response. What if I were to ask right now?

Well, little mortal, you’d find out just how fast I can fly.

She chuckled, but a thrill swept through her. She’d tasted his passion, had received traces of it with every kiss he’d bestowed upon her, and she knew that once he unleashed it fully, he’d be seared into her very soul.

Though she knew she was playing with fire, her fingers moved over the letters on the screen. Just how fast can you f—

Someone collided with her, knocking the wind from her lungs. Willow’s phone tumbled to the ground, and she stumbled back, nearly tripping over her own feet before large hands grasped her upper arms to steady her.

“Oh! I am so, so sorry,” Willow said in a rush once she’d righted herself. She looked up at the stranger. “I wasn’t looking… I, uh…”

The stranger, who stood at least a foot taller than her, was dressed in a dark gray suit. He had short, tousled black hair, sharp, angular features, and a square jaw. A shadow of facial hair framed his full lips. But it was his steel gray eyes that held her spellbound.

He chuckled. “Not what I envisioned when I imagined your body against mine.”

Willow laughed. “Do those pickup lines actually work?”

The man leaned closer, his smooth, deep voice falling lower. “Every time I need them to.”


A tingle crept down Willow’s spine. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant, but neither was it comforting. “Oh, well, um… They don’t work with me.” She took a step back. “I’m…also kind of with someone.”

He allowed her that little distance but didn’t release his grip on her arms. “So not committed?”

“It’s complicated.”

“It always is, isn’t it?” He slowly trailed his hands down her arms as he crouched, keeping his intense gaze fixed upon her.

Willow shivered, conflicted by the sensations this man caused in her. His touch felt good, better than it should have, but it only added to the unease she harbored deep down. She clung to her discomfort—that was what she should’ve been feeling. That was the only reaction she should’ve had to this. But why wouldn’t her feet move any further? Why couldn’t she pull away from him?

Her phone vibrated. The man plucked it up off the ground. “But you’ll find that with me, things are very, very simple.”

Simple. That sounds…so nice. So easy.

He rose slowly and drew closer to Willow until there was barely any space between them.

A spicy musk with a touch of expensive leather overtook her senses. The tingling within her spread, making her skin prickle and her nipples harden. Her pussy, already wet due to her thoughts of Kian, grew slicker with heat.

What was wrong with her? Why was she reacting like this?