She drew in a sharp breath, but she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. He was solid, warm, real, and the way they fit together was just so right, so perfect. She practically melted against him.
“How about now?” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear and making her shiver.
“What are you doing?”
“Just getting comfortable too, Violet.” As he spoke, the rumbling of his chest against her back made Willow’s nipples harden.
His spicy, alluring scent thickened, and Willow breathed it in, growing even more intoxicated. “You’re supposed to be behaving.”
Kian’s palm settled over her soft belly. “I am.”
For an instant, Willow experienced a flare of self-consciousness, and she hated it. She’d worked hard over the years to love her body, to not feel ashamed of it, but those insecurities still crept up on her sometimes. They’d never fully go away. But with the way Kian so lovingly caressed her, with the way he looked upon her…
He hadn’t shown any disgust or displeasure when it came to Willow’s body. With him, it was the complete opposite.
He'd worshipped her.
She thrust those insecurities from her mind.
The movie continued, but Willow had no idea what was happening. All she was aware of was Kian. His heat, his scent, his body, which molded to hers…and the hard length of his cock against her ass.
Why am I fighting this? Why am I fighting what he makes me feel?
That could be the alcohol talking, Willow. It makes you horny, remember?
And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to care.
Willow brushed her fingers back and forth over Kian’s forearm. “Are you hungry, Kian?”
“For you? Always.”
“But are you hungry?”
“You give me enough to take the edge off, whether you mean to or not.”
Which meant he was never truly fulfilled, never satisfied. Which meant he still hungered. She recalled the glimpse she’d caught of him when he’d found her after her meeting with Amanda. His eyes had been dull, cradled by dark circles, and his cheeks had been sunken in. Though he was beautiful, he still wasn’t nearly as vibrant as the first time they’d met.
He needed to feed.
And he depended upon Willow for nourishment.
Reaching over her head, she carefully felt around the end table until she found the remote, pointed it at the television, and pressed the power button. The screen went black.
He chuckled. “Movie not to your liking?”
“Wasn’t really paying much attention to it.” She tossed the remote onto the floor.
“Oh? Is something distracting you, little mortal?”
“You know exactly what you’re doing, Kian.” Willow clasped his hand and guided it down. It slid over her belly, under the blanket, and beneath the waistbands of her shorts and underwear, until his fingertips came to rest just above her pussy. She withdrew her hand, leaving his in place. “Feed.”
Kian was silent, and had grown very, very still.
“You’re giving into me?” he asked, voice low, husky, and just a little hesitant.
“You need to feed.”
He skimmed the tips of his nails over her pubic hair, sending fresh tingles through her. “Are you drunk?”