Right here, at this moment, life is perfect. We still have an uphill battle with her dad and all of our friends, but knowing that we'll do it together is all I need. It's all we need.

Chapter 14


I'vebeenequallydreadingand looking forward to this moment all day as I walk up to my dad's front door. The guys have assured me that they've smoothed everything over, but now it's time for Dad and me to have a talk.

Though I will say waking up to the guys in my bed this morning and then them doting on me, making me breakfast, and the whole nine yards has completely spoiled me. When I said I could get used to this, they said they hoped I would because they had no intention of spending another night without me.

When we talked this morning, they explained about not having their phones when in the conversation with my dad. To help me out, they had set up this meeting between my dad and me. They will be joining me in a few hours, and we will all have dinner together.

I'm still nervous and wish the guys could be here for this, but I know I need to have this talk with Dad on my own. Even though I'm sure he needs reassurance that this is what I want. I want him to be happy for us. The guys have made it clear that they chose me, so I need to make it clear to my dad that I chose them, too.

Taking a deep breath, I hesitate before ringing the doorbell. It's not long before my dad answers, and it's clear as day that things are awkward between us. His smile is full of tension as he steps back and welcomes me into the house, the house that I grew up in and where I spent my whole life.

As I step inside, I'm immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia. The same old decorations adorn the hallway walls, and the smell of his cologne fills the air. It's homey, familiar, and at the same time, it feels like I'm walking into enemy territory.

My dad leads me to the living room, where we both sit down on the couch. The atmosphere is heavy with silence as we avoid eye contact. Finally, my dad clears his throat and speaks up.

"Ella, I want to talk to you about what happened last night," he says seriously.

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for what's to come.

"Okay. I'm sure they told you that was not how we wanted you to know. Once we had made the commitment to each other, we planned to talk to you."

Nodding slowly, Dad’s expression softens slightly. "Yes, they did explain that to me. But, Ella, I just can't understand why you would want this kind of lifestyle. It's not traditional or acceptable in our society."

I sigh and look down at my hands tightly clasped in my lap. "Dad, I know it's not what you expected or wanted for me. But it's my life and my choice to make. And I'm happy with them."

My dad leans back against the couch, running a hand through his hair. "But are you really happy? I mean, this is not a normal relationship. It's complicated, and so many things could go wrong."

Taking another deep breath, I decide to be completely honest with him. "Yes, it's not a normal relationship. But it's also not wrong or immoral. We love each other and are committed to making it work."

When I drop the L word, that seems to get my dad's attention.

He leans forward, studying my face. "Do you really love them, Ella? All three of them?"

I nod slowly, not breaking eye contact with him. "Yes, Dad. I do. They make me happy in ways I never thought possible."

But I can't stop the smile that crosses my face admitting my feelings for these guys.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Dad shakes his head. "I just don't understand it, Ella. Why can't you just choose one of them? Why do they all have to be involved? I'm sure you have feelings for one guy more than the others. We are not programmed to fall for more than one person at a time."

"I can't explain it, Dad. I love them all equally, and I can't imagine not having even one of them in my life, much less two," I reply softly. "It's just how I feel. And I hope you can accept that and eventually come to see that we're not hurting anyone by being together."

My dad seems to consider this for a moment before finally nodding. "Ella, I may not fully understand or agree with your choices, but you're my daughter, and I love you. And if this makes you happy, I'll support you in any way I can."

Tears spill down my cheeks as I launch myself into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Dad," I whisper.

We stay like that for a few moments before my dad pulls back and clears his throat. "So, what's next? Are the guys joining us for dinner?"

"They will be here later. They wanted to give us some time alone together."

"Want to play some board games?" he asks.

Every Sunday before dinner when I was growing up, we played board games. For some reason, it was easier for us to talk to each other while focusing on the game. After Mom died, we played games religiously every week. I felt like he needed it as much as I did. Sometimes more.

I grin, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Yeah, let's do it. Get ready for me to kick your butt, old man."