"We're going to Ella’s?" Finn says, and we all agree.

I wish we had all taken the same car but didn't. We came after work. No sooner are we pulling out of the Club Red parking lot than Finn is calling me with Brooks on the line as well.

"I think it's time we put all our cards on the table. There's no telling what we're going to walk into. She could be upset, and she could have decided that she's done with us, but I think it's time," Finn says.

"I agree,” Brooks says. “Is this it? I want to know that we went out swinging."

"I agree, too."

We talk on the drive to her place. When we get there, it's dark, a sign that she's probably already fast asleep.

There’s no answer when we knock at the door. It’s locked, but Finn pulls out his keys. When Ella moved out, she was really nervous about living on her own, and not only did she give her dad a spare key, but she gave each of us one as well. I don't know if she still remembers that, but we sure as hell do.

It's something we didn't take lightly, as proven by the fact that Finn carries her key on his key ring, and he's able to open the door for us. When we get into the house, it is quiet. We locked the door behind us, removed our shoes and jackets, and went to her room.

Pausing in the doorway, we can see she’s sound asleep. But even from the light in the hallway, you can tell she's been crying. Crying is a good sign. That means that there are feelings there, and as long as she cares, we have a chance.

We all move into her room. Finn's on one side of her, Brooks on the other, and I crawl over her and whisper in her ear.

"It's never going to be over."

She stirs and then turns to look at me.

"Connor?" She’s a bit groggy but then turns her head to see Finn and looks the other way to see Brooks.

I'm careful not to put my weight on her, but I gently push some of her hair out of her face, and her eyes lock back on me.

"We weren't ignoring you. Because we were talking to your dad in Carter's office inside the club, we did not have our phones. We did not realize how late it was, and we are so, so sorry," I say, leaning in and gently giving her a kiss.

She wraps her arms around my neck and leans into the kiss.

"Do you mean it?" she whispers. Pulling back from a kiss I never wanted to end, I say, "We mean every word of it, and we're not walking away from you, Ella. Not ever."

Moving to sit on the end of the bed, Ella turns and faces me.

Brooks molds himself to her back, wrapping an arm around her to whisper in her ear. "We love you, Ella. And we're going to fight for you always." The sharp gasp of air tells us that was the last thing she was expecting us to say.

"You love me?" She asks, clearly in shock.

"We do very, very much and have for a long time," I say. Even from this end of her bed, it's clear to see the tears in her eyes.

"Well, that's good because I love you guys too," she says.

With those words, a weight lifts off all our shoulders, and we breathe a collective sigh of relief. It's not going to be easy, but we're in this together, and that's all that matters.

Ella sits up in bed, looking at each of us in turn. "I know this is unconventional," she begins hesitantly. "But I'm willing to give it a try if you guys are."

Finn's smile is blinding as he leans in to kiss her forehead. "We'll make it work, baby girl. We promise."

Brooks nods his agreement, holding her close. "We'll do whatever it takes to make you happy, Ella."

I reach out and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We love you, Ella. And we're not letting you go. But it is late, and you need to get some sleep. We promise to tell you the details of the conversation with your dad in the morning over breakfast."

"Where am I meeting you for breakfast?" She says through a yawn as she lies back down.

"In your kitchen, baby girl." Laughing, I lie between Finn and the wall her bed is pushed up against.

It's going to be a tight fit, but we'll make it work tonight. The next goal is to get her a much bigger bed. With Brooks curled up to her back and Finn curled up to her front, she reached over Finn and took my hand.