Once we hang up, I'm left alone with my thoughts and fears. I can feel the tension and uncertainty building inside me as I wait for a response from Finn, Connor, and Brooks.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Did they really just give up on me so easily? Did they care about me at all, or was I just another toy to them?

When I get a notification on my phone, I jump so fast to grab my phone I drop it on the floor and have to chase after it. Crushing sadness hits me when I see it's not even a text, just a reminder about my hair appointment later this week.

So, I decide to send another group text as I get ready for bed.

Me:What did you guys say to my dad?

Whatever they did say to my dad must have calmed him down because he hasn't shown up pounding on my door demanding to talk to me. Nor has he blown up my phone wanting to talk, either. All that has to be a good sign, right?

Taking my time getting ready for bed, I’m hoping that they will text. Finally, I leave my phone in my room because a watched pot won't boil. That's something I remember my dad telling me that all the time when I was growing up. When I get back to my room, I'm really hoping to have a text, but there's nothing.

At this point, looking at the clock, I realize it's after two-o’clock a.m. If they were going to text me, they would have already. They all have work in the morning, and Club Red is getting ready to close. Once again, I couldn't stop the tears, and I lie on my bed and cry for I don't know how long.

But the tears spark some anger, too. So, I grabbed my phone to send off one last text.

Me:If this was over between us, you could have had the guts to tell me.

After I send that text, I stare at my texts throughout the night, each one unanswered, before I turn off my phone.

It takes a bit of tossing and turning before I finally drift off to sleep. Only to be woken up with someone in my bed whispering in my ear, "It's never going to be over."

Chapter 13


AfterwewatchElladisappear into the locker rooms, we follow Carter and his wife Gemma back to Carter's office. Carter is part owner of this place, and he's around our age and recently found happiness with his wife, who is close to Ella's age.

I make a mental note that we should get Ella and Gemma together. It would probably help Ella out a lot, navigating everything in Club Red.

"You weren't supposed to find out this way. That's why I asked you specifically if you're going to the club tonight." Finn says ever the cool and collected one.

"My client canceled, but you're right. This is the last fucking thing I expected to find coming here. What the fuck is going on between the three of you and my daughter?" The anger in his voice is completely evident, not that I can blame him.

"It's not what you think. Let's sit down and talk," Finn says again.

"What I think is that the three of you have turned whatever sick fantasy you act out here onto my sweet, innocent daughter. I let the three of you in my house. For Christ's sake, you've watched her when I needed to take a client meeting. You've been there and watched her grow up. How long have you been grooming her?" Ridge starts yelling.

The world 'grooming' sets all three of us off. The other guys quickly jump up, and Carter is right there, ready to jump in if needed, but I stand up, and it's my voice that fills the room and captures his attention.

"How fucking dare you accuse us of something so disgusting as grooming before you even get the chance to listen to what we have to say. We were going to talk to you about this as adults and have a conversation. But if you continue down this road and you don't listen to what we have to say, you're not only going to lose us, but I can guarantee you, you're going to lose your daughter over it too."

Thankfully, that shakes him out of his tirade, and he finally sits down in a chair across the room from the three of us.

"Normally, I'd give you guys some privacy, but it looks like this is pretty heated, and we can't have fights on club property..." Carter says, looking uncomfortable.

"Sit down and stay. It'd probably be better to have a referee, but we have nothing to hide," Brooks says to him. Carter looks relieved as he sits in the chair behind his desk.

"Someone better start explaining," Ridge says.

The three of us look at each other, and then Brooks and I look at Finn. He is the most levelheaded to be able to explain this.

"You know that we were in New Orleans for a business trip last week. Well, it just so happened that is also where Ella and Gigi decided to have one of their girls' trips. We happened to run into Ella. You might not like what we have to tell you, but where we came across Ella was at the other at Club Sin," Finn says.

"If I had known my daughter had any interest in one of these clubs, I would have connected her with Pink to learn things safely and let her carry on my membership. Then I would have backed out," Ridge says. He’s still angry and is leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He's staring at his shoes, not making eye contact with us.

"I was the one that ran into her at the club, and my first reaction was to get her out of the main room. So I brought her back to our room that we had rented, and we talked. Our instinct then was just to make sure that she was safe," Brooks says.