"This concerns me too," I say, knowing that it won't change their minds.

"Let us have this out, and then we will talk with you," Finn says. His voice is almost cold, and something inside me shatters.

There's no emotion on the guys' faces, and I know then. Deep in my soul, I know they aren't choosing me when they walk into that room.

"Okay," I say. Taking one last look at my dad, I go to the locker room, grabbing my coat, keys, and phone.

The drive home is a blur. The entire time I’m driving, my mind is racing. Honestly, I'm not quite sure how I even get home. I check the time, and it's after eleven, so Gigi should be done with her show in Vegas, even with the time difference. I take the chance and call her.

As soon as she answers, I start freaking out.

"Gigi, I was just with the guys at Club Red, and we stumbled upon my dad," I say, dropping the bombshell before I even get a chance to say hello.

"Oh shit. Hang on a minute," she says. I hear some muffled voices in the background before it all goes silent.

"Okay, I'm staying at the hotel tonight because I have to be up super early for some PR breakfast. I just got up to my room, so tell me what happened."

Not wasting a minute, I tell her about our time in the voyeur hall and down to everything that was said when we ran into my dad. Even how my heart shattered when the guys responded to me in such a flat tone.

"Okay, let's talk this out. They had always planned to talk to your father, but I'm assuming they would have wanted more of a game plan. Maybe they were just trying to figure things out, and it was all just too much," she says.

"Yeah, too much, as in they're going to end things with me. We're brand new. It would be nothing for them to walk away just to keep the friendship with my dad. Why wouldn't they? They have so much more to give up losing him than they do me."

The truth of it hits close to home, and I can't hold back the emotions anymore as I burst into tears.

"Fuck. Do I need to hop on a plane? I'm sure I can be there in a few hours."

"No, just stay on the phone with me, please," I beg her.

I'd give anything to have her here with me, but I know she has a show tomorrow. With her just coming back from vacation, it wouldn't look good for her to miss it.

Gigi listens patiently as I cry and rant about my situation. And it's then that I realize something. "What the hell am I even doing? Why did I get myself into this mess in the first place? I'm not cut out for this kind of lifestyle. I should've never agreed to that night at Club Sin in the first place, much less tonight at Club Red."

"Ella, don't say that. You're just going through a rough patch right now. You can't let this one moment define everything you've built with them. I saw how they were with you. Even just a little time together on the way to the airport, I could tell it was something special."

"But Gigi, what do I do? They didn't even fight for me. What does that say about our relationship or whatever this is with us?"

"You have to talk to them, Ella. You can't just jump to conclusions and assume they're going to leave you. Maybe they just need some time to figure things out, and then they'll come to you with a plan. They were caught off guard. You said it yourself. They hadn't planned to talk to your dad just yet."

I take a deep breath and try to compose myself, realizing that Gigi is right. I can't just give up without even trying to work things out. "You're right, Gigi. I must talk to them and figure out what's happening."

"Good girl. And if it helps, I'll be here for you every step of the way. You got this, Ella. Why don't you text them while we are talking and see what is going on?"

"Good idea."

Me:Is everything okay?

"Okay, I texted. Tell me about your show tonight while we wait for their reply. I could use the distraction."

As Gigi starts excitedly telling me all about her show and the new costumes they're working on, I listen intently, feeling grateful for the distraction. But my phone remains silent, and I can't help but feel anxious.

Her enthusiasm and passion for dance are infectious, and I find myself getting lost in her words. It's a good distraction from my own problems.

But eventually, I have to face reality. "Gigi, they're not answering me. What if they've already made up their minds?"

"Ella, stop jumping to conclusions. They could just be busy. Or maybe they're talking things out right now and trying to come up with a plan before talking to you," Gigi says reassuringly.

We continue talking for a little longer until Gigi eventually has to go get some rest for her early morning PR breakfast, and we say our goodbyes.