"We're close and we like to stay together," Brooks says.

We specifically picked this suite because the bed in the main bedroom is an Alaskan king. If we decided we wanted to entertain, it’s big enough to fit easily four people.

I've never been happier that we did because now there'll be room for all of us in bed with her.

"I think this is the biggest bed I've ever seen in my life," she says, standing in the doorway staring at the Alaska king.

"Big enough to fit all four of us, sweetheart. Why don't you get ready for bed? There’s a toothbrush and toothpaste on the counter. Use whatever you want in the bathroom," Brooks says. He leads her to the bathroom attached to the main bedroom where he's been staying.

We take turns staying in that room and this trip it just so happens to be his turn.

"So, we are all staying in bed with her tonight, right?" Connor says when she's in the bathroom.

"Yeah, because it wasn't even an option not to," I say.

"Good, glad we're on the same page," Brooks says, staring at the door where she just disappeared. "Let's give her until tomorrow before we ask if she wants to continue this back in Chicago. I really want one night with her before reality comes crashing in."

We all agree and then get ready for bed ourselves. Then we join her in the Alaskan king bed.

Chapter 10


Ican'trememberthelast time I had an orgasm in a dream, but fuck, one is trying to race through me now. Only I'm waking up, not asleep. As the pleasure keeps building, I open my eyes to find Finn between my legs.

He pauses for just a moment when our eyes lock.

"Good morning, baby girl." Then goes right back to driving me crazy.

When he slides two fingers into me this time, he hits that spot I only learned about last night. Barely do I have time to pull a pillow over my face, before my orgasm hits me hard. I scream his name as I cum.

"That's the sound I love waking up to," Brooks says, walking into the room as I start to relax.

He's in black sweatpants, looking sexy. He sits a cup of coffee on the nightstand and kneels on the side of the bed to give me a kiss.

"Good morning, baby," he says.

There's such an intense look in his eyes as he brushes the hair off my face that I want to ask him about it.

But the moment is lost when he grabs the coffee handing it to me. Sitting up, I take it from him gratefully. Immediately, both their eyes are fixated on my chest, which is now exposed since I slept completely naked. When I move to pull the blanket up, Brooks places a hand on mine.

"Don't cover yourself around us. We like the view," he says as Connor walks into the room with a plate of food.

"Fuck yeah, we do. This is one view I can definitely get used to." Connor’s eyes run over me before handing me the plate of food.

"Are you guys going to eat?" I ask, hating eating alone.

"Well, Finn just had his breakfast," Brooks winks. "But we all ate earlier."

"Should have woken me up to eat with you," I say, taking a bite of bacon.

"We figured we tired you out last night, and you deserved the sleep. But duly noted that you like eating with us," Finn says.

They all sit on the bed drinking coffee as I eat my breakfast, but I can tell there's something on their minds.

"Okay, out with it," I say, setting my fork down and looking each of them in the eye.

"We just want to know how you're feeling about last night. Making sure that you're still all right," Connor says.