Page 25 of In the Cockpit

“Oh yes,” I said, “most definitely boring. Now go be a big shot and get your mic in place before we have dinner. The world wants to know what the most boring conversationalist has to say about his meal.”

He laughed at this and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek before walking off with Alejandro. I turned to Sarah with a smile, “How is the UK treating you, Sarah?”

She smiled and looked me directly in the eyes. “Oh, save the small talk for dinner. Let me ask you something, Kat. What are your intentions with my brother?”

“Beg pardon?” I choked out.

“You heard me. I know he thinks I don’t pay attention and you three have done a great job sneaking around. I don’t think anyone besides me would pick up on it, but I know my brother, and he is head over heels in love with you and Alejandro both. And based on what I’ve seen, you two might be as well. So, I repeat, what are your intentions with my brother?”

I took a steadying breath and looked her in the eyes. This was a serious question and deserved a serious answer, even if it broke me a little to give one. “If he hasn’t said anything to you then it really isn’t my business to share. But,” I held up a hand to forestall any protestations, “you should know that there is nothing happening at this point. His reputation and career, as well as Alejandro’s, are my top priority. I won’t let anything hurt them.”Even me,I thought.

Sarah’s eyes softened and she gave a nod. “Ok. I don’t know if I believe you, but I do trust you. Just don’t break his heart.”

“No worries about that.” I wished I could fully believe myself.

Sarah looked like she wanted to say more, but at that moment a strong hand touched my back. Jason’s arm came up and around my shoulders for a quick squeeze before he turned to stand next to his sister. “Now, what are you ladies discussing?”

“Oh just girl stuff,” smiled Sarah. “You know, boys, our periods, who we’re sacrificing under the next full moon.”

Alejandro chuckled as he stepped back up next to me and leaned down to kiss my temple. “I can think of a few drivers who would make worthy sacrifices. Ladies, may we escort you into the dining hall?”

Chapter Twenty-One

Iwoke up the nextmorning to an insane buzzing. Like maybe a mutant bee had gotten into my flat? I hid under the covers trying to figure out what I had nearby that could kill it when I realized it was my phone.How much did I have to drink last night?I rolled out of bed and located the phone under the piles of clothing from the night before. By this point the caller had rung through to voicemail, but the buzzing had not stopped because my screen was covered in notifications. What was going on?

Before I could swipe in, another call came through, this time from George. “Hello?” I asked, not even bothering to make myself sound more alert.

“Kat! Finally! Are you ok?” he asked.

“What are you talking about? I just woke up.” I felt my nerves knot themselves in my stomach.

“Ok, I guess you haven’t looked at the news yet,” he said. “Don’t. Just sit down and let me talk to you, ok?”

I was truly exhausted because I actually followed his directions, sinking back onto the bed. “Ok talk.”

“So I’m just going to say this and then we’ll talk through options,” he said. “The Sun is reporting that you are in a love triangle with Jason and Alejandro, and that the reason they have issues on track is because they are fighting over you.”