Page 97 of Whisking It All

Missed call: Gavin West

9:02 am

Gavin: Where the hell are you?

Gavin: God dammit, answer your phone!

Baz: Who the fuck turns off their phone?

Gavin: Ethan knows.

Baz: Everyone fucking knows. Maybe next time check that your mic is off before you go asking someone about their panties.

Baz: Or lack thereof.

Gavin: Really? How was that helpful?

9:07 am

Missed call: Ethan Hart

9:11 am

Missed call: Gavin West

9:13 am

Gavin: JAMIE!

Baz: Texting in all caps doesn’t actually make your text go through any louder.

Gavin: Shit, Jamie, you need to call me.

Gavin: Ethan is home.

10:00 am


11:27 am

Jamie: I’m here.

Jamie: I’m at the restaurant.

Gavin: Thank God. I was about to send out a search party.

Gavin: Ethan knows about you and Tessa.

Jamie: I know.

Jamie: *picture of a bruise blooming on Jamie’s cheek*

Baz: Fuck

Gavin: On my way.

Baz: Meet you there.