“So…” I say, leaving it hanging and hoping Jasper fills in the blanks for me.

“I’m starting to feel like I live alone.”

I grin. Shit, is that all this is about? My brother had me worried for nothing. “Yeah, I guess I haven’t been home much. You miss me? And that just means you basically have the place to yourself. You’re welcome.”

“You ready to tell me what you’ve been up to and who you’ve been up to it with?”

“No. And why the hell do you care?”

“Who’s the girl, Jameson? There better not be more than one.”

“None of your business, man. Since when do you care what girls I’m seeing?”

“I’m making it my business, asshole. I saw you and Lily last night.”

“Saw what? It’s Lily. I was talking to her, and she ended up needing a ride home. Nothing unusual about that.” I’m working overtime to make what I did to Lily last night in a parking lot in Western Ridge nothing out of the ordinary. It’s a hard ask, since everything about how I fucked Lily last night was out of the ordinary. What the hell does Jasper think he knows?

“Guess I must have missed all those other times you took Lily out to the parking lot and shoved your damn head under her dress.”

“What the fuck?”

Jasper saw us.

Holy fuck. Jasper actually saw Lily and me. Fucking. He saw us fucking in my truck. Panic courses through me, icy and sharp.

“I don’t know what you think you saw. But that wasn’t Lily. It was some other girl. Just met her last night.”

Jasper crosses his arms over his chest. “Some other girl wearing the same dress Lily was wearing all night and the same cowboy boots I’ve seen Lily in for years? Stop bullshitting me and tell me what the hell is going on here.”

“Okay, it was Lily. How much of her did you see? Did anyone else see us? You better not have fucking looked at her or I’ll kick your ass.”

“Good luck trying. Of course, I didn’t stand there and watch you two fucking in the back of your truck. I only looked over that way when I was heading out because I know you always park there. And I didn’t actually see anything. I just saw her from the knees down. Knees that were dangling over your fucking shoulders, asshole.” Jasper shakes his head. “I don’t know if anyone else saw. But probably not.”

“Fuck me.” What the hell am I going to tell her?

“No, thanks. Seems like Lily already went and did that. You’re an idiot for messing around with her. What the hell, man? It’s Lily. You’re going to get your ass kicked by every single one of us. Lily’s off limits. You know that or you fucking should have.”

Shaking my head, I hold up my hands. As much as I’m pissed at my brother for thinking what’s going on between Lily and me is any of his damn business, I can’t be mad at him for wanting to protect her. Of course, he wants to protect her. It’s Lily.

“It’s not like that. I swear. I’m not messing around with her. There isn’t anyone else. There’s only her.”

Jasper narrows his eyes at me. “You’ve been at Lily’s all this time? This has been going on for months?”

“Yeah,” I admit, nodding. This was supposed to be what I wanted to happen. I wanted everyone to know about us. But not like this. Never like this.

“So, you’re together? You and Lily?” The look on Jasper’s face makes me want to punch him. He looks like he can’t quite figure out how the puzzle pieces line up. Trust me, they line up just fine. They line up exactly right.

“Yeah.” I nod. We are together. She’s just still coming around to the idea of other people knowing about us. And now I’ve fucked that up. Because Jasper fucking saw us together. Saw me with my head between her thighs. She’s going to kill me. And worse, she’s going to try to end this.

“Why the hell is it a secret, then? If you were just fooling around with her, you’d have my boot so far up your ass right now that you’d be tasting the dirt and shit on my soles for weeks. Any man who thinks he can fuck around with Lily is going to have a big fucking problem. But if you two are really together, what’s the big deal?” Jasper whistles, thinking it over, and then nods. “She’s ashamed of you. I mean, I get it. What woman in her right mind would want to let the whole town know she’s fucking you?”

“Don’t talk about anyone fucking Lily, not even me.” Grinning, I punch him in the shoulder. “And yeah, maybe in the beginning she was worried about how it looked or whatever. But I think she’s getting more used to the idea. She just needed a little time.”

“I can’t wait until Jacks finds out about this. He’s definitely going to kick your ass. I hope I’m there to watch and eat some chips while it happens. Don’t worry, I won’t actually let him kill you.”

“Jacks has Selena now. He doesn’t get to kick my ass over Lily. She’s mine.”

“She’s yours? Shit, so this really is serious.”