“Guess what, asshole? You don’t actually get a say in what I do!”

Jameson grabs both my hands in his, pinning them against his chest. Then he leans his forehead down to mine.

“It’s enough now. This fight is done.”

“It’s not the only thing that’s done!”

My hands clench into fists with Jameson’s huge hands wrapped around them. When I try to pull away from him, he doesn’t let me go. He looks so handsome, lit up under the streetlight. He’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says Sexual Healing, and he was the best-looking guy in the Goldrush tonight. Probably in all of Western Ridge.

“Hey. Don’t talk like that. Not even when you’re just trying to piss me off. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you in the bathroom. I didn’t mean any of it. You know I didn’t mean it, babe. But I’m tired of you pushing me away and pretending you don’t want this. I don’t expect you to want this as much as I do because that’s not fucking possible. But you want this. You want me. It’s time to stop pretending you don’t. We’re never going to get anywhere if you push me away and try to run from me every time I piss you off. I thought we were past this, Lemon.”

“I… I… You were a dick to me.”

“I know I was, babe. And I said I’m sorry. Now it’s your turn to apologize for pushing me away. That’s how this works.”

I shake my head at him. “But Jameson… We can’t… this is just…”

“I know, Lemon. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to anyone else, but it doesn’t have to. I want you. You want me. That’s all there is to it. I’m sorry I made you jealous-”

“I wasn’t-”

“Yeah, you were. Lemon, it’s time to stop pretending. You were jealous at the idea of me licking some other pussy. And I only fucking said that because I was pissed at you for spending time with everyone but me tonight. You danced with Jasper and half the guys in this bar. With anyone other than me. All because you’re still making us sneak around when I want the whole fucking world to know about us.”

“If you want to fuck someone else and have everyone know about it, that’s fine by me. But then we’re not doing this anymore.”

“That’s exactly my point. I don’t want to. There is only one mouth I want to kiss. There’s only one pussy I want to lick, and it’s between these thick thighs standing in front of me. And there’s only one pussy I want to come inside. I only want you, Lemon. I’m not looking at anyone else. I don’t even see them. I only see you.”


“I’ve given you time, Lemon. But now it’s time to pay up.”

“What do you want?” Narrowing my eyes, I stare up at him. I don’t know what he wants from me. And I know even less whether I’m willing to give it to him.

“I want you to admit that you want me. And I want you to promise me that my dick is the only one you’re riding until you tell me otherwise.”

Glaring up at him, I nod. I haven’t even thought about another man like that since the first night I slept with Jameson.

“I don’t approve of your methods. But fine, I want you. You’re all I think about. Every day when I get home from the shop, I count down the minutes until you show up on my back porch. I don’t want anyone else. I don’t want any other dick.”

“I know, babe. But I like hearing you say it.” Jameson grins down at me and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “Now, was that so damn hard?”

“You have no fucking idea,” I seethe up at him. If looks could kill…

Jameson laughs at me and takes my face in his big, warm hands. “I’m going to fuck you so good tonight, Lemon. I’m going to fuck you so fucking good for being my good girl and giving me what I need.”

“What you need?”

“If I had to spend one more night worrying that I might show up on your back porch and you wouldn’t be there—that you might let some other guy fuck you—I think I would have gone crazy.”

“There’s no one else, Jameson. Not since the first time. I haven’t even thought of anybody else. The guys I was dancing with tonight. They meant nothing. Less than nothing. Well, except Jasper. But he’s just my friend.”

“I knew you were just trying to make me jealous.”

“And you weren’t trying to make me jealous talking to all those little girlies?”

Jameson’s lips quirk up. “Maybe.”

“I knew it. Asshole.”