“Nothing. No plans. Not a single one.”

“Let’s go out tonight, then. Make up for lost time. We miss you! Let’s have some fun. It’s Friday night!”

I immediately panic. I haven’t spent a night doing anything other than Jameson in months. But how long can I keep doing this? If I push everyone else in my life away, then I’ll be all alone when this thing with Jameson ends. No more dodging my friends. Starting tonight. I can’t spend every single night with Jameson Waters. Even if that’s exactly what I want to do.

Things with Jameson and me are getting too comfortable. I expect him to come over every night, and I know how much it’s going to hurt when he stops showing up on my back porch. It’s just supposed to be sex. We’re friends who have sex. It’s not supposed to be Jameson making me dinner every night. It’s not supposed to be Jameson cuddling me to sleep night every night, wrapped around me like a bear with a full pot of his favorite honey. And it’s definitely not supposed to be Jameson taking up my every waking thought.

But why would I be out partying when I could be at my house alone with Jameson? I should say no to Drea… and that thought that makes me say yes.

Nodding, I paste a smile on my face. “Let’s do it. I’m in. A girls’ night is exactly what I need.”

“Okay, I can’t even deal with transportation. Do you want to just drive to Western Ridge and sleep over at Claire’s place? Saves us trying to get a ride with Taxi Randall without booking a year in advance. Or we could take our chances with a car share? But I vote sleepover!”

“Sure, a sleepover sounds good.”

Jameson is not going to like this.

When did I start worrying about what Jameson Waters thinks about literally anything?

“Can we go to the Goldrush early though? Maybe around nine? Is that too early? I just don’t have the energy to go to the bar at midnight anymore.” But somehow I have the energy to stay up all night having sex with Jameson.

“You and me both, girl. Come to my place at eight. Then we can go to Claire’s, have a couple of drinks, and then head to the Goldrush at like nine-thirty. Not too early, but not so late that we’ll be paying for it for a whole week.”

“Hangovers really do hit different after thirty. Sounds good. See you tonight,” I tell her, heading back the way I came before I saw her and started hurrying in the other direction. “Drea?”

“Yeah?” she says over her shoulder, smiling.

“I really am sorry for dropping off the face of the earth.”

Her smile gets even bigger. “I know. And you’re already forgiven. We’re all grown-ups here. People get busy.”

“Right. See you tonight!” I mutter, continuing to walk down the street.

We’re all grownups here. Except the one of us who is sleeping with a twenty-six-year-old, hiding it from everyone in her life, and ghosting her friends. Really mature, Lily. Really freaking mature.

When I get back to my truck, the first thing I do is get my phone out of my purse to text Jameson. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel the need to update him the second I make other plans?


I don’t know if you were planning on coming over tonight. But just in case you were, I’m going out


You know I was planning on coming over tonight

And going out where?


Just out for a drink with my friends. I just ran into Drea. And I haven’t seen anyone in ages


On a Friday night?

Babe are you going to the Goldrush?