“What the hell does she mean you own half the town?” Jarret demands, looking angry. He always looks angry though, so it’s hard to tell whether he’s actually pissed about this.

“I don’t own half the town. Just some of it.” Jacks looks uncomfortable, and I really do feel bad for him. Almost. The man did this to himself. He can be as overbearing as Jameson.

“Exactly how much of the town, man?” Jameson asks, looking confused.

Jensen doesn’t say anything. But he’s watching everyone in this room and probably seeing a lot more than the rest of us. Jensen is always quiet like this. Watching everything and taking it in.

“Not that much. Just… all the buildings on this block, and the next. Your apartment building. Some other stuff.”

“You own our apartment building?” Jasper asks, eyes wide.

“The last owner put it up for sale, and no one was buying it. I didn’t want you two to get evicted if it was torn down or something. So, I bought it. That was a while ago. I barely remember.”

“So, we’ve been paying you rent?” Jameson demands.

“What the hell, man?” Jasper doesn’t look impressed.

“I figured you wouldn’t want a free ride.”

“Ask next time.” Jameson elbows Jasper. “Just think of all the beer we could have bought with that rent money. We’re done paying rent, man. And good luck evicting us.”

“Are you going to tell them why you bought all the buildings on this block, Nugget?” Selena asks sweetly. Only I know exactly what she’s up to.

“No, I wasn’t going to, baby.”

“I think you should.”

Jacks nearly growls at her. “Because I didn’t want anyone else opening up a bakery and competing with Selena’s.”

“And did I ask you to do that?”


“Did I even know about it?”


“And are you still making amends for that oversight?”

Jacks grins. “Every damn night. And as many days as you’ll let me.”

Selena steps into his arms, and Jacks wraps her up in a giant bear hug. His hands on her ass, and her arms around his neck.

How would it feel for Jameson to hold me like that in front of everyone?

“Guess we know who’s going to wear the pants in that marriage,” Gunnar lets out a low whistle. “Sure as hell isn’t Jacks.”

“And I never even wear pants,” Selena says, laughing.

Every single one of them laughs at Jacks. But the way he’s staring down at Selena, it doesn’t seem like he minds one bit.

I want that. Not my best friend. Gross. The thought of kissing Jacks makes me think of licking a bar of soap. But I want what they have. I want someone who looks at me the way Jacks looks at Selena. I want someone who’s so into me he grabs my ass in the middle of a crowded room because he can’t get enough of me. I have the shop I always wanted. I have a house in the only town I’ve ever wanted to live. I want the man that goes with it. I want the family we make together. And I don’t know how a twenty-six-year-old man could be the one to give it to me, even if he wanted to. Jameson’s too young to even know what he wants. And that’s why this is just sex. Why it has to be.

“So, now that we’ve established Jacks owns most of Western Springs, how come everyone knew to come here today and not a single one of you mentioned it to me?” I ask, eyebrows raised.

“It was Jameson’s idea,” Jarret says from the back of the shop where he’s doing… something. I don’t know what he’s doing back there, but the banging is making me nervous. “First good one he’s probably ever had.”

That pisses me right the hell off. But when I look over at Jameson, he has a big smile on his face.