“Really, old man? Shit. I didn’t even notice. How’d it get in there?”

“What the hell is that thing? This isn’t a fucking petting zoo, idiot,” Jarret says, looking pissed right on schedule.

“No doubt about that. No one’s tried to pet you in ages.”

“Boys, enough.” My dad sounds serious. Then he starts coughing, and I’d swear on my life that coughing spell is covering for whole whack of laughter at my idiot brother.

chapter twenty-five


When I see Jameson’s truck parked in front of the house at the Waters’ farm, my heart does a little flutter that makes me nervous. I went to bed with Jameson next to me. How can I be excited to see him again when it’s only been a few hours since I last saw him?

After parking my truck in the row of pickups next to the front porch, my eyes scan the yard and down to the barn, looking for him. And then I’m disappointed when I don’t see him. He could be anywhere. The farm is enormous. I didn’t always see him when I came out here before we were sleeping together. So, there’s no reason to think I’m going to see him now. But I haven’t seen him since last night, and I miss seeing him smile at me.

Oh my god. What is wrong with me? I refuse to chase after Jameson Waters like a pathetic little puppy.

Picking up the bag of carrots and apples I brought for Violet and the other horses from the passenger seat, I head on down to the barn.

Jameson steps out of a horse stall with an easy smile on his face the second my boots hit the knotty wood floor of the barn.

“You come all the way out here just to see me, Lemon?”

Shaking my head, I don’t even bother to fight the huge smile on my face just from seeing him. “You know as well as I do I came here to see Violet. Like I have almost every day for the last nearly twenty years.”

How the hell am I old enough to have done anything for nearly twenty years? But I brought Violet home when I was thirteen. And I’m thirty-two, so…

“You keep telling yourself that, babe.” Jameson shakes his head at me, still grinning.

This man’s smile. It’s just not fair. All he has to do is smile at me, and he has my heart fluttering and my pussy throbbing for him.

“I’m very busy, kid. But I can probably make time for you to tell me how much you missed me today.”

“You know I did. Come over here and let me show you how much. I’ve been thinking about how much I want to fuck you right here in the barn all day.”

“Oh, my god! We can’t… Get back to work, kid.”

“Make me, Lemon. Come over here and make me.”

“We can’t! As much as I want to…” My mind is racing trying to see how we could make this work. No, no, we can’t. Get it together, Lily.

“I got you a present, babe. Don’t you want to see it?”

Is the present his dick? Because I really want that present. Oh my god. Seriously, get it together, Lily!

“Jameson, stop bothering Lily. She’s here to see Violet and me,” Mr. Waters calls out from far enough out of the barn that he hopefully couldn’t hear his youngest son telling me how he’s been spending his whole day thinking about fucking me in the family barn.

Grinning at Jameson, I turn and hold out my arms to Mr. W. “Finally! The only man I came here to see. How’s my girl today?”

“Violet’s good. I might have snuck her some extra oats this afternoon.” Mr. W makes a shhh sound with his finger over his lips. “Don’t tell Jarret.”

I roll my eyes at him. “He is the stingiest! Animals are meant to be spoiled.”

“Speaking of… Jameson show you what he brought home today?”

“I was just getting around to it. Come on, Lily. Let me show you.” Jameson jerks his head back towards the stall he just came out of.

If Mr. Waters wasn’t standing right here, I’d be sure of what Jameson had planned in that stall. But since his dad’s is standing right here, I don’t think Jameson’s planning on going down on me in a barn stall. Or bending me over the saddle rack. Or fucking me up against the tack wall.