“You never said no smiling.”

“It was implied in the no laughing!” she mutters, looking pissy. But pissy is a hell of a lot better than how angry she was when I first busted in here.

Nodding at her, I have a big grin on my face. “Tell me all about how I broke your back with my perfect dick, Lemon.”

She rolls her eyes and starts to turn onto her side away from me, but then winces and stops. She must really be hurting. I don’t hate the reason for it, but I hate that she’s in pain.

“You can go now, kid.”

“If you think I’m leaving when you’re hurt, you’re even crazier than you’re acting.”

“There’s nothing you can do. It’s a strained muscle or something. I just need to rest until it feels better.”

“I can take care of you. And that’s what I’m going to do.”

She shakes her head at me. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“Like what? In bed? I’ve seen you in bed before, and I keep coming back for more.”

“I don’t want you to see me hurt. Ridiculous.”

Leaning down, I kiss the tip of her cute little nose. “Everybody gets hurt. And you could never be ridiculous. Except if you think I’m leaving here when you’re not feeling well. It’s never going to happen, babe.”

She looks at the ceiling above my shoulder, and her eyes have a sheen I don’t like the look of at all. “I got hurt because I’m old.”

“Ahhh. So, that’s what this is about. Lily Juniper Wilson, hear me and hear me good. You got hurt because you performed a sexual position last night that should only be attempted by a trained professional after at least an hour of warming up.”

She glares up at me, her brown eyes stormy. “You seemed to like it well enough.”

“Hell yeah, I did. Next time, I’ll just help you warm up first. Now enough of this bullshit about feeling old. Lemon, you’re beautiful. You’re young. And we need to get you better, so I can fuck you again. Did you take something for the pain?”

She nods.

“Good. You have a hot water bottle?”

“Under the bathroom counter.”

“I’ll put on the kettle, and see what we can to do to fix that back up.”

“You’re not going to leave?”

“Not even if you try to kick me out another fifty times. So, you may as well save your breath.”

“Okay… fine. Could you get me some orange juice, too? I should probably have something with sugar in it.”

“Have you not eaten anything today?” I demand, worried.


“You have soup in that kitchen?”

She nods.

“Okay, I’ll be back with the orange juice and the hot water bottle. Then I’m going to make you some soup. And then you and me are going to have a long talk about how you should have called me to take care of you.”

“You want to cook for me now?”

“I want to do everything for you. Check your messages, babe. I wanted to make you dinner tonight and then spend all night between your legs. But instead, you’re going to have to settle for soup and cuddling until you feel better.” Leaning down, I kiss her on the forehead. “I probably don’t need to tell you not to move. But don’t. I’ll be right back.”