“You ready to see what I brought you?”

“What is it? Your dick in a box? Condoms? Lube?”

“No. What the hell, Lemon? I brought you this.”

Jameson pulls a white box out from behind his back. He pulls it open and shows me what appears to be a pie.

“You brought me a pie? It’s like you want me to stay pissed at you.”

“You told me not to come around without a perfectly baked apple pie. So, I brought you one.”

“Where did you get it?”

“I have my sources.”

“Is it good?”

He waves the open box in front of my nose. It looks good. It smells good. But it looks store bought. There’s no way I could pass this off as something I actually baked.

“How does this do me any good? The baking contest isn’t for a couple of months. And this looks delicious. But it looks store-bought.”

“You told me not to come by without a pie, so I brought you a pie. We could just learn how to bake a pie for the contest. We could do it together, babe.”

“Maybe you should just learn how to bake a pie, since you were so happy to volunteer one today?”

Jameson ignores me and walks over to the counter. He puts down the pie box and investigates my concoctions. “What kind of margarita are you having?”

“Basil watermelon.”

“Sounds great. I’ll have one, too.” He smiles at me as he walks over to the kitchen table and pulls out the far seat. Then he sits down like he belongs in my kitchen and just watches me.

“Oh right, let me get that for you,” I mutter, rolling my eyes at him as I start making his margarita.

When I hand it to him, he frowns down at the little juice glass I put it in for him. “Why is mine so small?”

“Because we’re switching to flights. I need to try a bunch of different syrups, and now that you’re here, I don’t want to get drunk.”

“Why not?”

“Because based on past experience, I make questionable choices when I’m around you and I’ve had a couple of drinks.”

“What’s your excuse for the time you blew me right over there? You were stone cold sober when you dropped to your knees and sucked my dick in this kitchen.”

“You really want to talk about that day again?” I ask him, with a sarcastic laugh. “Because I still have some thoughts about it…”

This is all so ridiculous. Nothing is happening here. Even if I thought maybe for a moment that we could have sex again, Jameson showed me exactly why that was a bad idea this afternoon. He’s too immature. And he’s definitely too young. Even for being friends with benefits.

“What do you think of the margarita?” I ask, wanting to change the topic to anything other than the serious thoughts in my head.

He picks up the glass and tosses half of it back in one gulp. “It’s good.”

“Helpful. Is it sweet enough? Does the basil come through? Is the watermelon overpowered by the tequila?”

Jameson takes another sip. “It’s sweet enough for me, but I don’t like anything too sweet. I taste the basil, but I think it could use more watermelon.”

“That’s actually very helpful. I thought exactly the same thing.”

“Is it helpful because I told you what you wanted to hear or because it’s actually helpful?”