He turns to look down at me. “Yeah, Lemon?”

“Will you tell me something?”

“Probably. What do you want to know?”

“Why are you always sniffing around me? Why do you keep showing up here every day?”

“When a guy likes you, he doesn’t make you wonder. I like you, babe. And I think you like me, too.”

“Huh. Is that right?” That gives me even more to think about than I had before. The sex was great. Better than great. But he likes me?

“Yeah, it is.”

“Hmmm,” is all the answer I can muster.

“Lily? Dear, is that you?” A voice calls out.

“Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You don’t know me. We’re not even together right now. Walking. That’s all we’re not doing. You’re not here, got it?” I mutter frantically to Jameson as Mrs. Barker, local town gossip and also head of the quilting bee, the knitting circle, and just about every fundraiser, charity, or event Western Springs has to offer walks toward us. Her helmet of silver hair and horn-rimmed glasses are only the reason anything ever gets done in this town.

“Hi, Mrs. Barker. It’s so good to see you.”

“You too, dear.” She gives me a kind smile. She really is a lovely lady. But she does love her gossip. And me spotted with Jameson doing anything cozier than being old friends would be too good for her to pass up. The entire town would know about us by the end of the day. My mom would know. Jameson’s brothers. Jacks. Mr. W. Gunnar. And there’s nothing to know.

Mrs. Baker turns to Jameson. “Now I know you’re a Waters boy, but which one is this now? I can never tell any of you handsome young men apart.”

“This is Jarret. You know that Jarret and I went to school together. He’s only a year younger than Jacks and me. We just ran into each other on the street. Totally unplanned. So weird, really.” Oh, my god. Verbal diarrhea, thy name is Lily. Why won’t my mouth stop forming words?

“And he’s just helping me bring some paint back to the shop. And then he’ll be getting back to his day… whatever that is… that he has planned.” Just stop talking, please. If words don’t stop ejecting themselves from my mouth, I’m going to shove myself in front of the next moving car. “I don’t even know because we just ran into each other. On the street. Unplanned. Totally by accident.” Finally, it stops.

“Isn’t that kind of you, Jarret? Such a gentleman! That’s hard to find these days, isn’t it, dear?”

If this woman only knew what this gentleman is like in the bedroom. And the kitchen. And on the phone.

“It’s hard out here for us single ladies, isn’t it, Lily?” She asks with a smile. The woman must be close to eighty.

I nod, and I can hear Jameson gulping down a chuckle next to me. If the man lets out a single laugh, I’m going to shove him in front of the next moving car, no matter if it costs me my expensive paint.

“Now, I have to be going. I’m doing the rounds trying to drum up donations for the hospital fundraiser’s baking contest. I didn’t even think to ask you young folks. Do either of you bake? And can I twist your arm to donate something?”

When Jameson grins and then winks at me, I know he’s about to ruin my life. I just don’t know how.

“Lily's apple pie is the best. Warm and delicious. There’s nothing like it.”

My mouth drops open. I am going to murder this man. And any jury with a woman on it would acquit me in a heartbeat. Jameson Waters just talked about eating me out to an octogenarian busybody.

“How wonderful! Now, Lily, I didn't know you were a master baker.”


Master baker?!?

“I'm not… much of a baker,” I say honestly. I can bake brownies and cake from a box. And throw together cookie dough if I have a craving, but that’s it. A master baker, I am definitely not.

“She’s just being modest. Lily’s apple pie’s the best in this town, that’s for sure. Best thing I've ever tasted.”

The older woman is beaming at me. “Well, you must contribute one of your amazing apple pies to the hospital fundraiser’s baking contest. You simply must, dear. I won’t take no for an answer!”

“Oh, I don’t know…”