I laugh. “She was probably just glad I got better at it. I can’t believe she kept that shitty spice rack I made her when I was twelve.”

“You mean the one still hanging in our kitchen that we use every day?”

“Yeah, that one. It’s ugly as fuck. And lopsided.”

“She loved it. Because you made it. Probably like Lily’s going to love all these shelves you’re making her.”

“Hope so. She’s got a lot going on with the shop. I want to help.”

“You like taking care of people, son. That’s a good thing. Looking after people you… care about is what a man does.”

“You’re emotional tonight. Watch White Fang again?”

“That movie gets me every damn time. But no. I just like having you back at the farm. And I like seeing you out here doing your carpentry. I never understood why you stopped.”

“I’m not moving back to the farm, Dad. I’m twenty-six, and I’m not living at home.”

“Jacks is thirty-two, and he lives at home.”

“That’s because Selena makes him. He’d do anything for her. He wanted to build her a big house on the western rise. She said no. For some reason, she likes living with you, old man.”

“Selena didn’t have a dad. Lily hasn’t had one for a long time, either. I love both of them like they were my own daughters.”

“I know you do.”

When Dad grins at me, I know he’s about to say something stupid. “Whatever woman you end up with is going to get an amazing father-in-law. You should probably lead with that when you’re hitting on girls at the Goldrush.”

Shaking my head, I smile back at him. “Thanks for the tip. But I do just fine on my own. And I haven’t been out to the Goldrush in a while.”



“Huh? Well, it’s nice that you’re taking the time to help Lily with her shop. Lily’s always been a part of this family. Always has been. Always will be.”

“I know that.”

“You know I’m going to have to give the guy she ends up with a good scare to make sure he treats her right.”

“Lily’s not… she’s single. If she finds some guy… you won’t be the only one scaring him. That guy’s going to have to deal with the five of us, too. And Gunnar.” Fucking Gunnar. I love my cousin, but when I think about him anywhere near Lily, I get pissed off.

“A lot of people love Lily. She’s easy to love, son. Okay, I’ll leave you to it. You let me know if you need a hand with any of this. We’d all do anything for Lily.”

“I know. Because I would, too.”

“Night, son.”

“See you tomorrow.”

I keep working out in the garage until ten. That gives me just enough time to drive home, shower, and be in bed by ten-thirty when Lily calls me.

“Hey, babe.”

“Hey, kid.” She goes quiet on the other end. Then lets out a long rush of breath. “Do you ever think about not picking up when I call?”

“Not even for a second. You can torture me as long as you need to, Lemon. I’m not going anywhere.”

She doesn’t say anything. Then I hear the buzzing of her vibrator. Her breathing gets fast and uneven. She starts moaning.