chapter thirteen


Jameson’s unanswered messages are filling up my phone. He apparently still needs to learn how to take a hint. I’m not going to answer him.


I’m sorry babe

I need to talk to you

I’m sorry

We need to talk

Let me explain


And on and on, more of the same bullshit begging me to talk to him. After he let me suck his dick, swallow his cum, and then walked out of my house like he got exactly what he wanted from me.

I guess he did. And that’s why it’s not happening again.

I’ve successfully avoided seeing him for over a week. Every single time I’ve gone out to the farm to see Violet, I’ve dodged him. I’ve asked Jasper to cover for me more times than I should have. I avoided him when Jasper invited me to go to the Goldrush and when Jensen wanted to have dinner at the diner. This might be a tiny town, but I have no intention of seeing Jameson Waters ever again if I can help it.

Until tonight.

If I could have got out of tonight, I would have. But saying no to one Mr. Jerry Waters is not in my DNA.

So, against my better judgment, I’m turning my little blue pickup truck into the Waters’ farm in time for Sunday dinner tonight.

And I won’t even have Jacks and Selena as buffers because they’re still in L.A. It’s just me, Mr. Waters, and the rest of the Waters boys. Including Jameson. Unless his appendix burst and he’s in the hospital. And somehow I haven’t heard about it in a town of twelve-hundred people.

I would have heard about it.

Or unless he’s at the Goldrush with one of his little girlies? Only the Goldrush isn’t open on Sunday nights.

So, I know that I’m going to see him. And I know that I don’t want to.

The fear that he’s going to tell someone about what I can only describe as two complete and utter lapses in judgment when I enthusiastically fucked him and again when I enthusiastically sucked his dick is eating me alive. And then there was the time I kissed him at the diner. I don’t know what to say. I honestly don’t. I don’t know why I did any of that. And I’m terrified for anyone else to find out about it. Especially when Jameson proved to me exactly how immature he is and exactly how much I can’t trust him.

But it’s like his perfect dick was catnip, and I was a horny house cat who’d been kept inside so long, she lost all sense of the realities of the outside world. All I wanted was that catnip, regardless of the consequences.

Well, I don’t want it anymore.

When I park my truck in the line of pickups next to the front porch, I look both ways before taking a deep breath. Tonight is going to be one big, long, awkward moment. And that’s if Jameson keeps the fact that we slept together to himself. If he blurts it out because he’s pissed at me for ignoring him, the mortification scale doesn’t even go that high.

After one more deep breath for the road, I open the door and climb out of my truck.

“Can’t stay away can you, babe?”

Glancing around, I see Jameson where no one was standing only a second ago. He looks sexy as hell in ripped blue jeans, a light blue Ladycakes t-shirt, and a dark blue plaid shirt open over it. His hair is messy and his feet are bare.

“Where the hell did you come from?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Can we talk, Lemon?”

“No. And don’t call me that. Call me Lily. Or better yet, don’t call me anything at all. Don’t even talk to me, Jameson. I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”