“I’ll order you a pizza. Sent to your place.”

I shake my head again. “Invite me inside.”

“Are you a vampire or something? Why do I have to invite you in?”

“Because I want to hear you say it. Just like I want to hear you beg me to let you come.”

“We’re not doing that again. We can’t…”

“Invite me inside, Lemon. You think I don’t see how you’re pressing those thick thighs together, just thinking about me making you come again? You’re going to get those sexy little jean shorts all wet and sticky thinking about my head between your legs. Thinking about my dick filling you up. Your move, babe.”

She looks up and down the street. Western Springs is quiet to begin with. And Lily’s house is right at the edge of town. There’s no one on the street to see us. A dog barks in the distance. I can hear the odd sounds of cars from over on Grove Street. But that’s it. Whatever she’s looking for, she won’t find it.

Then she turns back to look at me and says in a too-loud voice. “Can I get you a beer? It’s the least I could do after all your hard work.”

“The very least. But don’t worry, you’ll find another way to pay me back. On your knees.”

Lily’s eyes go wide as she turns back to the front door. The unlocked front door.

She spins around and pokes a finger into my chest. “Why is my front door unlocked?”

“Because I checked all your indoor lights, too.”

“How did you even get into my house?”

“With the same key that’s been under the back porch mat for the last fifty years. Probably longer.”

“Asshole,” she mutters as she steps through the door and leaves it open behind her when she walks inside.

That’s all the invitation I need. And I don’t mind following behind her. Not when she’s showing off this much curvy leg right in front of me.

She walks all the way back to the kitchen, dumps everything in her hands onto the kitchen table and heads right to the fridge. After taking out two beers, she uncaps them and hands me one.

“Thanks, babe.” I let my fingers drag against hers as I take the cold bottle from her.

She shrugs out of her cardigan and tosses it over a chair at the kitchen table. “Did you want me to order that pizza straight to your place or here so you can take it with you when you go?”

“Pizza’s a good idea. Why don’t you have it delivered here in about an hour? We’re about to work up a hell of an appetite.”

“What if I tell you to take your beer and go?”

I take a long pull on my beer, studying her. “Then you know I will. But you and I both know you don’t want to send me on my way, babe.”

Taking my beer, I walk over and lean back against the kitchen counter, still studying her and wondering if she’s going to tell me to leave. And thinking about what’s going to happen if she doesn’t.

She’s just staring at me, like she doesn’t know what to do next. Kick me the hell out or have another amazing night together.

“You’d look real pretty on your knees right now, Lemon.”

Lily stares straight into my eyes for a long minute, and I’m fifty-fifty on her telling me to get the fuck out and never come back. Then she tilts her head back and downs half of her beer, her eyes never leaving mine.

She puts the bottle on the kitchen table and walks over to stand right in front of me, staring up at me.

And then she gets on her fucking knees.

I may as well buy a lottery ticket. Because luck is definitely on my side today.

Taking another slow sip of my beer, I stare down at her as she undoes my silver W belt buckle. My brothers and I all have the same one. My parents gave one to each of us when we turned eighteen. It’s heavy and silver, and if I’m wearing jeans, I’m wearing it. Which means I’m always wearing it.