“You’re so right. No woman in her right mind,” Lily says quietly.

Dolores chooses that moment to come and take our orders. She still uses a pencil and a narrow notepad to write everything down. You can pay with a card here, but that’s the only concession the diner has made to the current century. Or the last one.

When Dolores ambles back towards the counter to pass our order off to Gunther in the kitchen, I jump on the opportunity to turn the topic away from how I spent last night. It’s time to talk about how Lily spent her night.

Leaning forward across the table, I give Lily a hard look. “You get up to anything interesting last night? Have yourself a big Tuesday night?”

She smiles back at me, but it looks more like she’s baring her teeth. “Nope. I didn’t really do anything exciting last night. It wasn’t a big night, it was just a small night, actually. Tiny. Miniscule. Just stayed home and watched one of those teenager shows on WebFlix.”

“You love those teenager shows, don’t you? I always forget you like ’em young.”

“Not really. The characters are just so young and stupid. There’s so much drama. Like watching a train wreck. What can I say?” She shrugs. “It’s a guilty pleasure.”

“I bet it is.”

A pleasure, at least. I don’t say the last part because I know it’s going too far. And the last thing I need is one of my brothers, or worse, Gunnar, figuring out what’s really going on here.

Lily would kill me. And if I was dead, I couldn’t have sex with her again.

Leaning back in the booth, I go back to watching her as she looks everywhere but at me.

It’s not a half bad way to start the day actually, filling up on eggs, pancakes, and hash browns while I stare at Lily’s pretty mouth and big tits. The dress she’s wearing might not show off any skin, but it does nothing to hide how big and round and perfect her tits are. It would have been a better start to the day if she’d let me fuck her again. In her bed. In her shower. Wherever. But we’ll work on that. Because last night is definitely happening again.

After we’re all done eating and the table is cleared, everyone throws cash on the table until we have enough to cover the bill. It kills me not to buy Lily breakfast after I spent the night with her. But I know she’d kill me for real if I tried it in front of everyone.

When Lily gets up to go to the bathroom before we leave, I say I need to go too, just to get a minute alone with her.

“Why are you following me?” She doesn’t even look back at me as she walks across the diner. I don’t know if she heard me, smelled me, or just sensed I was here.

“Who says I don’t have to pee?”

“Do you?”


“Exactly.” Lily slows down, so I’m walking right beside her. “I didn’t appreciate your note. Gunnar almost saw it.”

“I wouldn’t have cared if he did. Why the hell was Gunnar at your house so early this morning?” I hate how jealous that idea makes me.

She doesn’t answer me.

Shrugging off the jealousy I have no right to be feeling, I hold the door open to the little hallway that leads to the bathrooms and the kitchen at the back of the diner. For a few seconds, I have her alone where no one can see us. As soon as Lily walks through the door, I follow her and close it behind us.

Caging my fingers around her neck, I push Lily back up against the door we just walked through. I grab her chin in my hand, forcing her eyes up to meet mine. The only way anyone is seeing us is if Dolores or Gunther happen to come out of the kitchen in the next thirty seconds. That’s a chance I’m willing to take to get another taste of her.

“I missed you, Lemon,” I whisper as my lips crash down on hers.

She stills for a second, and I think maybe I read this whole thing wrong. Maybe she doesn’t want me like I want her?

Then her arms fly up to my neck, tugging me down hard against her. Her hands run through my hair, and her hard nipples press against my chest.

Nope, I didn’t read a damn thing wrong.

Lily wants me.

This wasn’t just a one-night thing.

When I slide my tongue between her lips, she sucks on it, moaning into my mouth. I grunt right back at her. She tastes sweet as fuck, like maple syrup from the waffles she had for breakfast. I slide my lips against hers, tilting my head to get a better angle, get closer, tighter, harder. I seal my lips against hers and suck on them. I bite at her lips, her tongue.