It’s late enough that Jasper should already be out at the farm getting a lecture from Jarret about something or other. So, I should be able to slip inside and shower without anyone seeing. I’m going to hear about it for showing up late to work. But it’s not like it’s unusual for me to not come home because I went home with a girl instead. What’s unusual is that the girl last night was Lily Wilson.

“Where the hell did you end up last night?” Jasper demands the second I push open the front door to our apartment.

“Shit. Were you waiting here for me like a cop? I don’t need a babysitter, man!”

“Sounds like you do. Where were you?” Jarret says, walking out of the kitchen with a chicken thigh in his hand.

“What the hell are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the farm bossing everyone around?”

“Because everyone’s here,” Jensen mutters, following Jarret out of the kitchen, eating his own chicken thigh, and sprawling down on the beat-up brown leather sofa in the living room. “Get your dick wet last night?”

Normally, I’d nod and grin. But Jensen talking about Lily like that makes me want to punch the smile right off of his face. “Fuck off. And get the hell out of here. Why are you all even here in the first place?”

“Plow attachment broke. We can’t get the parts we need until a delivery arrives later this morning, so we all have the morning off until then.” Jarret takes another bite of his chicken.

“We’re going to the diner for breakfast. You want to come? You’re probably hungry after whatever the hell you got up to last night,” Jasper says with a laugh and a smile I want to punch off his face. I might try it, even if he did just retire from Canadian special forces. My brother could definitely kick my ass, but I’d still put up one hell of a fight.

“Looks like the three of you are already eating.”

“Got hungry. This is just an appetizer,” Jensen says, munching away.

“You’ve got ten minutes to shower or we’re ditching you,” Jarret warns.

I love my brothers, but sometimes I want to fucking knock their heads off.

“Don’t worry, I think I can find my own way to the damn diner.”

Jasper and Jensen both laugh while I walk to the bathroom and slam the door behind me.

Usually, I like to start the morning by jerking off in the shower. But my hand doesn’t seem worthy of the job after my dick spent last night in Lily’s mouth and her pussy. So, I shower quickly and then head into my room to change. My bedroom is just a place to sleep and keep my clothes. The walls are white. There’s nothing hanging on them. I made the dresser, bed frame, and the bookshelf in the corner that doesn’t have anything on it out of cherry wood and gave them an oil finish.

When I go to throw my clothes into the laundry basket in my closet, I see black fabric sticking out of the pocket of my jeans.

Lily’s panties.

Is she going to be pissed that I took them? Almost certainly. Do I regret taking them? Not a chance.

After unmaking the bed I didn’t sleep in last night enough to tuck her panties under my pillow, I pull the blankets back up.

Then I grab a fresh pair of black boxer briefs and dark gray socks from my dresser. I pull them on and then pick a pair of jeans, a dark gray t-shirt that says Feed Me Tacos, and a blue and gray plaid shirt from the closet. A t-shirt covers a lot of valuable real estate. So, I always make sure my t-shirts have something to say. And I really need to eat Lily’s taco again. As often as she’ll let me. I’m back in the living room and ready for breakfast in under ten minutes.

My brothers are all still waiting for me, not that I thought they’d be gone. Jarret’s all fucking talk. Family is everything to him, and he wouldn’t leave a single one of us behind by choice any more than he’d leave his own arm behind.

“Ready, Princess?” Jasper asks with a grin. “Are you going to tell us who you fucked last night?”

“Fuck you.”

“I guess that’s a no,” he says, laughing at me.

With that, I stalk to the door, grab my wallet and keys, pull on my scuffed brown work boots, and shove a backward baseball cap on my head.

I might be going to breakfast and then back to work, but all I’m going to be thinking about is how to get back into Lily Wilson’s bed.

chapter nine


We take two trucks to drive to the diner, since we’ll be heading out to the farm as soon as we’re done. We probably could have walked, but I’m too starving to wait an extra twenty minutes to walk to food instead of the five it takes to drive to it. Lily made me fucking hungry last night.