“You’re not entirely wrong. We just moved from Toronto. But now we live on a farm. We’re farm people, just like you.”

“I’m a farmer, not a farm person. And you’re nothing like me, Princess.”

“Maybe not yet. But maybe one day I’ll be the one with a bad attitude, stomping around in muddy cowboy boots and a dirty t-shirt trying to intimidate women and children. Can’t wait!” Kat rubs her hands together and grins.

“Just give up, bro. She’s a big city lawyer. She’s smarter than both of us put together.”

“City smarts and country smarts are two very different things.”

“Are you done now? Can we get back to grooming Apple in peace? Or do you want to actually be useful and help? We haven’t got around to fresh waters, yet.” Lily raises an eyebrow at my brother.

“Fine. I’ll get the waters,” Jarret mutters, walking away.

Kat steps out of the stall and follows him while Lily and I stay with the kids.

I can’t hear what they’re saying anymore, but it sounds like Kat’s not taking any of Jarret’s bullshit. And that is music to my damn ears.

After we wrap up at the barn and say goodbye to Kat and the kids, I walk Lily back up to her truck where it’s parked next to the front porch.

“What do you say we take the rest of the day off, babe?”

“Are you trying to give Jarret a seizure from getting so mad? I don’t think he could handle you ditching work early after the whole petting zoo fiasco down there.” She bites her lip and smiles up at me. “And what would we even do with all that time?”

“I can think of a few things.” Grabbing her by the ass, I pull her up hard against me. She’s always ready for me. She always wants my hands on her. I love the way her soft body melts against mine. And we both feel my dick tugging against her stomach. “Maybe we should go back down to the barn for a quickie? Or up to my old room?”

“I don’t want a quickie,” she whispers, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss my neck.


“Nope. I want you to fuck me for hours.” She bites my neck and then drags her hot, wet tongue over it. Then she rolls her hips against me.

“Are you messing with me, babe? Getting me all worked up and then planning on heading back to your shop and leaving me standing here with a hard dick?”

She tugs my head down so she can kiss me, and then presses her lips featherlight everywhere except my mouth.

“Would I do that to you?” she whispers as her hand slides between us to stroke my dick with her engagement ring glinting on her finger.

“Yeah, babe. Seems like that’s exactly what you’re doing to me.”

“Hmmm. You taste so fucking good.”

“You’re a monster, you know that, babe? It’s a really good thing I love you.”

“Say it again.”

“I love you, Lemon. Even when you’re having fun messing with me.”

Her hands slide into my hair, and she kisses me hard. Her tongue lashes at mine. What the hell has got into her today? Whatever it is, I need to keep doing it. She sucks at my tongue, bites me, licks me, and then does it all over again. She’s moaning against my mouth, and if I could think about anything other than her body pressed against mine and her hot little mouth, I’d probably be hoping that no one comes out on the front porch right now. But nothing is stopping me if my Lemon wants me to fuck her right here up against her little blue truck.

When she finally pulls away from me, she’s staring at me like she wants to jump me right here and now.

“You were really good with Kat’s kids. You’re going to be a really good dad one day.”

My lips curve up into a big smile. “Is that what this is about? You say the word, Lemon. And I won’t stop fucking you until you’re pregnant with those twins you promised me.”

“What twins?”

“The ones you said I knocked you up with that first night at the Goldrush. Let’s see how my guys can swim, babe. Let me get you pregnant.”