“Okay, I’d love to come. And I promise I will be on my best behavior.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

When we stand up to head to the diner, my mom catches me in a tight hug and tells me again how much she loves me. It’s such a beautiful day that we walk over to Grove Street instead of driving. My mom doesn’t make a single comment about what I order for lunch or the iced tea I get to go with it.

And it’s just really nice. We talk about the shop. We talk more about my sisters and family gossip. It’s nice not to feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know my mom didn’t mean the things she said to hurt me like they did. But they hurt me. And it’s nice knowing that she’s aware of that now and actively trying not to hurt me again.

As many times as I talked to her about it, it was Jameson that got through to her. He’s going to be so freaking smug about this. It’s a very good thing for him that I find his smug face so damn sexy.

After lunch, we walk back to my mom’s house and then I head home. As much as I love the shop, it’s nice to have one day without having to be there all day long. I can’t wait to be able to afford some help. But for now, Western Springs will just have to get their flowers and body lotions somewhere else on Mondays.

I’m returning to the living room with a fresh glass of water to keep working on the Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals website when the front door opens. For a while after things were out in the open, Jameson kept using the back door and parking down the street. But eventually, he switched to parking right out front next to my truck. And now he always uses the front door when he comes home to me. Home to me. Right where he belongs.

“Take that jacket off, kid.” He’s wearing the jacket he had in the back of his truck the night we had sex in a grocery store parking lot across from the Goldrush.

Jameson grins at me. “You want me to get naked, Lemon?”

“No. Just the jacket. You’re wearing my jacket.”

He looks down at what he has on and back up at me. “This is my jacket, babe.”

“Not anymore, kid. It’s my new cozy jacket. You gave it to me.”

“I remember letting you borrow it,” he says, arching an eyebrow at me. “But you gave it back to me.”

“That’s just because I had to wash it. And then I wanted it to smell like you again. But now I want it back.”

Jameson shrugs. “I wouldn’t have ever washed it. I would have just worn it, covered in our cum, babe.”

“That’s gross. And hot.”

He grins at me. “I try.”

“Take it off. And give it to me.”

“All I’m hearing is that you want me to take my clothes off and give it to you, babe.”

“I always want you to take your clothes off and give it to me, kid. But right now, I want my new jacket.”

He nods at me, grinning. “Call me kid one more time.”

“What are you going to do about it, kid?”

I already know. And I can’t wait. I can’t get enough of this man. He drives me wild. He makes me laugh. And he fucks me exactly how I need. I am head over heels in love with this man. I’m all in.

chapter fifty-nine


Lily’s big night is finally here. The night where her apple pie-baking skills get put to the test in the hospital fundraiser’s baking contest. The annual event is one of the highlights of the year in Western Springs. There’s not a lot of other social events happening around here. Mainly just the carnival and the fall harvest festival.

Not that there’s any real competition. Lily’s apple pie is always going to be the best I’ve ever tasted. Her baking skills are getting pretty good, too. She can whip up flaky pastry like a champ now. So, I’ve added vegetable pot pies to the list of things I make us for dinner.

She’s been working so hard on it, though. I want this to go well for her. I intend to make it my mission to see this woman cry as little as possible for the rest of her life. Well, if she wants to cry from how good I fuck her, I’ll let that slide. But no more tears from being sad or scared or disappointed. No more tears from being hurt. Not if I can help it. I don’t want her to cry when she’s pissed at me either, but I’m only human. The woman does like to get pissed at me. I guess I don’t mind all that much because I like seeing the fire in her eyes and I sure as hell love all the make-up sex. Not to mention the spicy as fuck hate sex when she’s really pissed at me.

The Matthews’ barn is all cleaned out and done up with twinkle lights. The doors are thrown wide open. Picnic tables and chairs have been set up outside. There’s a liquor truck. Like a food truck, but it’s the bar tonight. Inside, there’s a local country band playing at one end of the barn and long tables let up with silent auction items and baking contest contenders at the other. The judges are all sitting at a table in the corner trying dessert after dessert.

I couldn’t do it. There’s only one dessert I have an endless appetite for, and it’s between my woman’s legs.