“Your first real sale, babe. I think we should frame those twenties.”

She looks up from the cash in her hands and gives me the biggest sunshine smile. “I think you’re right, kid. Thank you for always supporting me with the shop. I know that a single sale and forty dollars doesn’t seem like much, but it feels pretty freaking great right now.”

“Who says it’s not much? This is huge, Lemon. You did this. You had the idea for your shop, and you followed through and made it happen.”

She shrugs at me, still clutching the twenties in her hand for dear life. “I had a lot of help.”

“That’s what people who love you are supposed to do. But, babe, this place is all you.”

“How can you be so incredibly sweet to me and make me want you to fuck my mouth all at the same time?”

“Just a gift, I guess.” That has me grinning. My perfect dirty girl. I fucking love this woman. “Now keep that mind out of my pants. You have more customers coming. How long is it going to be until I can take you home and fuck you again?”

“Shop closes at five, kid.”

“It’s going to be a long fucking day then, Lemon. Just know I’ll be right over here thinking about fucking you the whole time.”

The smile Lily gives me before turning around to greet her customers feels almost as good as her lips do wrapped around my dick. Almost.

I spend the day with Lily at the shop. I have to run out to the farm around lunch to check on the irrigation in the east field with Jarret. But then I come back to the store, a little dirtier and sweatier than when I left. I spend the rest of the afternoon watching Lily with her customers and doing whatever I can to help her.

After we close up the shop, I take her home, fuck her in the shower, make her dinner, and then fuck her again on the fresh sheets I put on the bed this morning.

If this was every day of the rest of my life, I’d die the happiest fucking man on the planet.

I never want to fight with Lily, but it feels good to know that we had our first really big one as a couple who love each other, and she didn’t try to boot me out of her life. She didn’t try to end this or push me away. We fucked it out and then we talked it out. I think she finally realizes that I’m not going anywhere, like I knew it after the first night. Hell, I knew it during the first night we spent together.

Now, I need to put a ring on her hand, so Lily never gets any ideas about finding someone better than me. She wouldn’t have any trouble finding someone better, but I’d never find anyone I could love as much as I love her.

chapter fifty-eight


I’ve been dreading this. I’ve been avoiding my mom, and I feel like a total jerk. I need to apologize for whatever Jameson said to her. I’m honestly not sure I even want to know what he said to her. That is probably not something I’ll ever be able to forget.

So, here I am on my mom’s front porch with flowers and two iced coffees from Selena’s bakery. I didn’t bring pastries. I figured that would just be adding gasoline to the dumpster fire that is this awkward conversation.

Instead of just barging in like I normally do, I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. Her little station wagon is out front, so I’m pretty sure she’s home unless she walked into town. But I probably would have seen her on the way over here. The thing about living in a town this small is that it’s usually not too hard to find anyone.

When she opens the door, she gives me a huge smile and wraps her arms around me in a big hug.

“Hi Lilybear, what are you doing here?”

“Can we talk?”

“Of course, sweetpea. Come on in. Those flowers are gorgeous.”

My mom throws the door open, and I follow her inside to the kitchen. We make small talk about my sisters and town goings-on while she arranges the flowers into a crystal vase. Then I follow her into the living room. Mom sits down on the armchair, and I curl up on the couch with my legs to the side. I’ve been sitting on this couch exactly like this since I was a teenager. It’s so cozy, and I always feel at home on it. I wish my sisters were here. It was always easier when it was the three of us teaming up against mom. But with them gone, it’s just her and me. And it’s just harder.

“What did you really want to talk about, Lilybear?” My mom stares at me over the lid of her iced coffee as she takes a sip.

I am supremely uncomfortable right now. “Okay. I’m going to blurt this out because there’s just no good way to have this conversation. I’m so sorry for what Jameson said. He shouldn’t have done that. I don’t even know exactly what he said. But I’m sure it wasn’t exactly… tactful.”

My mom nods, but a smile dances on her lips. “I don’t think tact is Jameson’s strong suit. But he sure loves you. And he was right. And you were right. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you when you tried to tell me before. I think maybe I needed someone being as blunt as Jameson was with me to really hear it.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“I’m the one who’s sorry. I never want you to feel bad about yourself or think that I think you’re anything less than my beautiful, amazing daughter. I love you to the moon and back, Lilybear.”