“I don’t need you to protect me, kid.”

“I know. But I’m still going to, just the same. Now, are you going to let me show you how much I love your beautiful body before we head out to your shop?”

I glance over at the old brass alarm clock on my nightstand. “We don’t really have time…”

He turns my face back to his, nodding at me. “We have time. We’re just going to have to multi-task. You’re coming in the shower with me, Lemon. I’ll get you to the shop on time, I promise. But first I’m going to get on my knees and worship your body like something this beautiful deserves. And you’re going to need to wash my hair for me while I do.”

chapter fifty-seven


If Lily can even think for a second, much less a whole night, that I could ever think there’s something wrong with her body, I’m doing something wrong.

I’m honestly not sure I can fuck her much more than I already do, but I’m going to have to. Last night was a marathon of fucking, and frankly, I’m pretty impressed with both of us. But I think I’d break my dick in her perfect, wet pussy if I tried to fuck my Lemon like that every single night. But I have to do better. And I need to tell her how beautiful and perfect she is to me every single minute of every day until she realizes that it’s true.

After making her come twice in the shower, I still get her to the shop just in time to open at nine-thirty. She’s not pissed at me anymore, and I hope she knows now that there isn’t anything she can’t talk to me about. I want her to tell me everything. I want to know all of her secrets. And I want to fix all of her problems for her.

She’s wearing her cowboy boots and a little sundress today, and I want to bend her over the retail counter and fuck her all over again the minute we get to the shop. But this is a big day for Lily and her shop. The first official day that Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals is open for business in Western Springs.

We spend about half an hour cleaning up the mess we left last night after the grand opening party. And thankfully no customers come in while we’re at it. But once that’s done, I can’t ignore my grumbling stomach anymore. A man can’t live on eating pussy alone, as much as I’d like to.

“I’m going next door to the bakery, babe. What do you want for breakfast?”

“My usual and a breakfast sandwich, please and thank you.”

“You got it.”

I’m thinking through everything Lily said to me last night and this morning while I wait in line and order at Selena’s bakery. After I pay, I move to lean against the far wall out of the way while I wait for our coffees and breakfast.

Selena walks through the back and waves when she sees me. Raising my arm, I motion for her to come over.

She looks a bit confused. I guess we don’t talk, just the two of us, all that often. But she walks right over to me, wearing a white apron with the Ladycakes logo on it over her purple dress.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Of course. What’s up?”

“I kind of pissed Lily off last night. Well, technically, I did it a couple of weeks ago, but she just found out about it last night.”

Selena smiles at me, and motions for me to sit down at one of the little white bistro tables next to the window, away from everyone else. “You want me to put a good word in for you?”

“No. Thanks, though. I convinced her to stop being pissed at me already. But the reason she was pissed at me in the first place had something to do with… how she feels about her body. Or how she was worried about me feeling about her body. And I guess, I just don’t know exactly what to do about that. I thought maybe you could help me. Give me some advice or something. Trust me, I show her every chance I get exactly how much I like her body. Lily’s beautiful. She’s fucking perfect to me.”

“Oof, this is a tough one.”

“Any advice?”

Selena shakes her head slowly. “Honestly, not really? I’m engaged to a freaking gorgeous movie star who has sex with me every chance he gets. I know he can’t get enough of me, just like I can’t get enough of him. I know how much he loves me. All of me. But despite all that, there are days when I’m just not the biggest fan of this.” Selena waves her hand like a wand from her face down to her toes.

“I don’t get it. You’re beautiful. You have Jacks wrapped around your little puss-finger. Your little finger.”

She laughs at me for a full minute. “I know I do! And trust me, that man has me wrapped around his dick exactly the same way. But when you’re told your whole life that you’re supposed to be one thing. And you were never, ever going to be that thing. How can you not feel like something’s wrong with you? No one else can change how you feel about yourself, even if they want to. As much as I love Jackson, knowing he wants me doesn’t magically make every unkind thought I have about myself disappear.”

I don’t like this at all. Not one bit. “So, what do I do?”

“Love her through it. Tell her you love her. Show her. Maybe it gets better, probably it doesn’t. Just be there for her, love her, and don’t let her push you away.”

“If there’s one area I’m an expert in, it’s not letting Lily Wilson push me away.”