Let me know how that goes when she does

I’ll put in a good word for you


I’m not going to need it

She told me she loves me


I know she does

What did you say?


You fucking already knew?

Of course she told you before she told me

I told her I love her more


You better make her happy


That’s the plan

chapter fifty-three


I’ve been waiting so long for tonight. Not just since I saw the note on the door of the thrift store and realized the space was going to be available. I’ve been waiting for this since I was a teenager and first had the idea of having my own flower shop.

This place is exactly what I wanted it to be. The walls are the softest pale pink that’s almost white. The wood floors are stained dark. Jameson’s beautiful shelves line every wall and run down the center of the shop. I see him everywhere. In the shelves. In the little displays he made for me to show off all my products. And I see myself everywhere. In the flowers and plants on every available surface. In the logo and labels that I spent so much time on. The pale pink, light green, and dark green logo is on every bottle and tube. Every package. The paper bags to pack up purchases and the canvas tote bags hanging behind the till. This place is everything I wanted it to be. And I did it. With a lot of help, I’m actually ready to open Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals.

As I turn around and stare at everything, I see every single thing in this store exactly how I want it. Exactly in the right place. And it feels so damn good.

“You ready, babe?”

“I think so?”

“That a question?”

“Yes? Maybe? Are we really doing this?”

“This is all you, babe. And yes, you’re doing this. It’s time to open up. Or you’re going to have a lot of pissed off citizens of Western Springs on the other side of that door.”

“Hold my hand?” When I hold out my hand to him, Jameson walks to me in three big strides and takes my hand in his big, calloused one. When he leans down and kisses me on the forehead, I press my body against his.

“Oh, my god. You two are so freaking cute!” Selena shouts at us from the back of the store. She just finished setting up enough appetizers and finger foods for the entire town to eat. Just in case the entire population of Western Springs shows up for the friends and family grand opening of Lily’s Flowers & Botanicals tonight.

Jacks is standing behind her in the doorway to the back of the shop, but his eyes are on me and Jameson instead of Selena like usual. He’s my best friend in the entire world. And I need him to be okay with Jameson and me almost as much as I need Jameson in my life.

His face curves into his big-ass movie star smile. “You’ve got this, Lil. It’s going to be great. Now open the damn door already.”