“Why are you dragging me into the kitchen?”

“Because I’m making you something to eat, babe.”

“I’m not hungry. I had wine for dinner.”

“I noticed. I’m going to make you something to soak up all that wine you drank for dinner.”

“Nope. It’s bedtime.”

“You sure?”

“Yup. You told me you love me, kid. I’m going to make you very happy tonight.”

“You sure about this? How drunk are you?”

“Drunk enough that I’m in an excellent mood. Not drunk enough that I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“And you’re sure you want to have sex? And not wait until the morning? I promise I’ll tell you I love you again, then.”

“You’re going to say it a lot of times before then. Time for me to put you to bed, Jameson. Or are you going to say no to me?”

“You know I’m never saying no to you, babe.”

“Good. Let’s go, kid.”

When we get into Lily’s bedroom, she stands there in the middle of the room. “Untie me, kid.”

My lips twitch as I walk over and undo the knot on her wrap dress. And then I pull and pull on the ties until the two sides come apart. I slide the stretchy fabric over her shoulders and then I toss it onto the chair in the corner of the room. Unlike my Lemon, when I throw something, it actually lands on the chair.

“Kiss me.”

“I never want to stop kissing you, babe.” Shit. I shouldn’t have said that. Never stopping means forever. I wait for Lily to push me away, but she doesn’t. She reaches out and grabs my shirt, unbuttoning it, and then pushing it off my shoulders and onto the floor.

Leaning down, I press my lips against hers. I never want to stop kissing this woman. She’s so alive against me. Lily never sits back and lets anything happen. She’s kissing me back. Her tongue sliding into my mouth. Her hands undoing my belt and unzipping my jeans as I work on getting her bra and panties off. Kicking off my jeans, underwear, and socks, I leave everything in a pile on the floor with her panties and bra on top. I’m rock hard for her. I’m always so fucking hard for her. Then I lean down and pick her up. Her breath catches. But I’ve got her. I’ve always got her. Walking over to the bed, I lay her down on it. She slides right to the middle of the bed and smiles up at me.

“I need your perfect dick inside me. Now.”

“Always so demanding, babe. You know, I’ll give you everything you need.”

Kneeling on the bed, I straddle her and then lay down on top of her.

“I love how you feel on top of me, kid.”

“Tell me you love me,” I whisper as I kiss her neck and my fingers trace down her body and settle between her legs to play with her clit and get her ready for me.

“I love you, Jameson Waters. I love you so much.”

“I know you do, babe.”

“Asshole,” she says with a laugh. Then she rolls her hips against my hand and bites her lip. “I need you, Jameson. Make me come like you love me.”

“I’ve been doing that for months, babe.”

Then I line my hard cock up and slide into her, nice and slow. Her tight, wet warmth feels like home. Lily’s perfect, soft, curvy body is my home. She wraps her thick thighs around my waist, holding me tight against her like she never wants to let me go. Like she always wants me to be inside her.

And I fuck her like I love her. Grinding my dick into her again and again until we’re both sweating and desperate to come. My eyes don’t leave hers as I slip my hand between us and tease her clit until she comes so hard around my dick it feels like she’s trying to choke the life out of it. And then I come inside the woman I love—the woman who actually loves me back—like a jackhammer.

My Lemon takes every thrust, smiling up at me, as I jerk and drive into her. There’s nothing like coming inside this woman. All wrapped up in her warmth and her softness is the only place I want to be. And then I collapse on top of her as her hands run slowly up and down my back.