“Mrs. Wilson, I’m going to say something to you. And I need for you to please hear me on this.”

“What is it, dear?” she asks, smiling at me. Yeah, that smile isn’t going to be on her face for long.

“Lily looks beautiful tonight. She looks beautiful in that dress. She looks beautiful no matter what she wears. She looks even more beautiful naked. Anything she puts on that beautiful body of hers is lucky to be there.”

“Jameson, please!”

She holds her napkin over her mouth, apparently flustered by the word naked. Well, she had better buckle the fuck up because she’s in for a bumpy ride in the next ninety seconds before Lily gets back.

“It’s the twenty-first century, Mrs. Wilson. I think we’re done talking about other people’s bodies without being asked, aren’t we?”

“I know dear, I just meant… I worry…”

“I know exactly what you meant. And so does Lily. I’m going to ask you to please not say anything like that to her again. Did you see how upset it made her?”

She’s shaking her head, but I’m not stopping.

“I’m not done. My opinion doesn’t matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. All that matters is how Lily feels about herself. But for what it’s worth, I love how she looks. I fuck her every chance I get. I can’t get enough of her. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her face. Her body. All of her. Not to mention what’s on the inside.”

“Excuse me!”

Glancing over my shoulder, I hear the toilet flush down the hall.

“Look, I’m not trying to shock you here, ma’am. But I’m going to marry your daughter. She’s going to be the mother of my children. And I’m not going to have the woman I love made to feel how Lily does right now, much less the daughters I plan on having with her one day. So, this shaming stops now. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I’m not going to just sit here and watch you hurt your daughter. Maybe you didn’t know you were. I really hope you didn’t. But I just told you, so now you do. I can’t change how you think, but I expect you to change how you act around the woman I love. Or you’ll be seeing less and less of her, if I have anything to say about it. This is the first and last time you hurt Lily in front of me.”

The bathroom tap’s running now. “Now that’s the end of it. You can tell Lily about this or not. That’s up to you. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve said what I need to say, and this topic is done.”

chapter fifty-one


When Lily gets back from the bathroom, her mom and I are talking about the warm weather, and how it looks like we’re headed for a longer growing season this year.

She sits down next to me again, and her hand slides onto my thigh to find mine.

Mrs. Wilson doesn’t let us help clean up, so we head out pretty soon after dinner is done. Lily is pretty quiet the rest of the night, and she keeps a smile on her lips. But it’s not a real smile. When Lily really smiles, she smiles with her whole beautiful face.

I’m not smiling. Not even a fake one. I’m worried about Lily. About what her mom said. About her being upset. About her not having enough dinner. About whether she heard any of what I said to her mom. I’m worrying about just about everything right now.

After saying our goodbyes, I’m finally alone out on the front porch with Lily. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tight against me. Then I lean down and slide my lips against hers. Lily wraps her arms around my neck and digs her nails into my skin. Her tongue slides into my mouth, and I lick and suck at it. She tastes like wine and that little bit of chocolate cake she just ate.

“Come on, Lemon. Let’s go home. I can’t fuck you on your mom’s front porch.”

“I mean, you could fuck me on my mom’s front porch.”

“Maybe. But I’m not going to. I’m going to take you home and fuck you, where no one else can see that beautiful body of yours but me.”

Wrapping my arm over her shoulders, I guide her down the stairs. When we get down to the street, she pulls away from me, but then holds her hand out for mine.

And then she wanders along the sidewalk next to me. Our connected hands tethering her to me as she drifts in one direction and then the other as we slowly make our way home.

“Thanks for not making a big deal of the fact that I’m vegetarian now. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that.”

“Why would you have to thank me for that? I don’t care if you want to be a vegetarian. I like the only meat in your mouth being my dick.”

Lily bursts out laughing, just like I wanted her to.

Then she turns and looks at me seriously. We’re still at least a ten-minute walk from her house, longer at this rate.