“What happened?”

Grinning, I stare across the yard at Lily and Jarret carrying in dishes from the table. She laughs and then elbows him for whatever stupid shit he just said to her.

“She did a body shot off of me. Licked salt off my stomach right in the middle of the Goldrush.”

Dad turns to scowl at me. “Son, that’s the kind of thing you don’t tell your dad. I did not need to know that.”

“You fucking love when we tell you shit.”

My dad shrugs and looks over at the house where we can see just about everyone we love in the kitchen talking and laughing through the open door. In the place we love more than anything.

And Lily’s right there in the middle of everyone. Because this is where she belongs. Where she’s always belonged. I just didn’t know yet that she belonged here with me.

“I don’t know if she loves me. But I’m gone over her. There’s no looking back for me. She’s it. She’s everything.”

“That’s what it was like with your mom and me. She’d like this. She loved Lily like a daughter.”

“Don’t you start in on how Lily’s like my sister.”

Dad grins at me. “I didn’t say that. Just that your mom and I always loved Lily like a daughter. But that doesn’t make her your sister. I mean, the rest of your brothers seem to think of her like a sister, but...”

“Shut the hell up, old man. Or I’ll shove you off another tractor.”

“You’d probably just break your other arm trying, son. Have any other girlfriends who’d show up and announce they’re fucking you in the hospital waiting room?”

“Hell no. Just the one. I don’t want anybody but her.”

“That’s good, son. Seems like she only wants you, too. If someone had asked me about you and Lily before I saw you two making out next to your mother’s vegetable garden, I’m not sure I would have seen it. But I’ve been watching the two of you for months now. The two of you are good together. You’re good for each other.”

“I know we are.”

“Now when am I getting some grandbabies?”

“As soon as she lets me get her pregnant. Trust me. I want kids with her. I want to marry her. I want all of it.”

“You’re a good man, son.”

When the dishes are done, everyone filters out to the yard to sit around the fire pit on bales of hay. We should probably get some actual chairs. The bales of hay aren’t all that comfortable. But damnit if I don’t want my Lemon cuddling up with me on a bale of hay.

She’s taking too long to come sit with me, so I get up and go look for her. I find her on her way back from the barn. Of course, she had to sneak away and see her girls. I just wish she’d told me so I could go with her.

When we meet on the dirt road between the house and the barn, I wrap my arms around her. “You want to get out of here, babe?”

Lily shakes her head at me. “I can’t wait for you to take me home and take me to bed, kid. But we should stay.”

Then she slides her hand between us and grazes my dick. And of course, my dick jumps to attention against her hand. Because it’s my Lemon. I’ve never wanted anyone or anything like I want her.

“Lemon,” I growl at her. “You keep that up, and I’m going to drag you back down to the barn to fuck you.”

She gives me a huge, sexy smile. “We should probably do that sometime. But not tonight. Tonight, I want to sit over there on a bale of hay around the fire pit with my boyfriend and all of his family. I want you to wrap me up in your arms and keep me warm. Well, just do the best you can with the one arm. And then I want you to take me home and fuck me all night long.”

I let out a low whistle. “Shit, Lemon. And I thought you were demanding before you announced to the whole world you’re my girlfriend.”

“I know, I’m so difficult. How do you even put up with me?” She flutters her eyelashes at me and then presses her hand against my chest. I press mine over top of hers. We can both feel the way my heart races when she touches me.

“Honestly, I have no idea. Patience of a saint, most likely.”

She nods and takes my hand to lead me back up to the house. “That must be it. Go stake out a good bale of hay for us. I’ll get the drinks.”