“Yes, Chef.”

Jameson and I binge-watched the first two seasons of The Bear while he’s been taking it easy. And I definitely think I’m into the idea of him bossing me around in the kitchen.

He grins at me. “Wouldn’t be the first time, I guess.”

Shaking my head, I smile right back at him. “My kitchen really does see more sex than cooking.”

“And I’m not mad about it. Is this everything? You think you’re bringing enough plants, or…”

“I can never bring enough plants. Should I make another bouquet? We’ll probably be late if I make another one.”

Jameson wraps his good arm around my waist and pulls me to him. “You have more than enough flowers. Everything’s going to be fine. It’s just dinner with my family. You’ve done that hundreds of times.”

“All of those times were before I screamed at your brothers in the middle of a hospital lobby that I was fucking you. And before Jacks stopped talking to me. This seems like slightly different circumstances.”

“The good thing about this whole situation is that I already know how much my family loves my new girl.”

“Right… they do love me. I’m great. This is all going to be fine.”

“It is. You are great. Now get in the truck before I drag you back into the house and fuck you again.”

We’re both quiet as Jameson drives us out to the farm. He’s gone along with just about every one of my demands to make sure he heals well and as soon as possible. But him not driving is the one fight I didn’t win.

I’ve seen everyone since the drama at the hospital. The whole Waters family has come over to my house to check on Jameson over the last two weeks. But when Jacks and Selena came, Jacks stood stony-faced in the corner. We didn’t really talk about anything more than small-talk. It’s killing me not talking to my best friend. Jacks has been on the receiving end of my never-ending stream-of-consciousness thoughts since we first got cell phones. But now there’s a distance between us that him living in a different country for most of the last fifteen years never created. I don’t know what to say to him to make this okay. I’ve been lying to him for months. And I’m with his little brother now.

It’s going to be fine. It has to be. This is Jacks and me. We’re always good. We’re best friends for life. We’re always there for each other, no matter what. Always. He doesn’t get to just bail on me because I fell in love with his little brother. He doesn’t really want to just bail on me, does he?

“I’m nervous. Why am I so nervous?”

“I’d hold your hand, but since I’m down to the one, just know I’m thinking about it. Feel free to hold onto any other part of me you want to.”

Smiling, I raise an eyebrow at him. “You mean your dick?”

Jameson nods, grinning back at me. “Yeah, I mean my dick.”

I’m not going to hold onto his dick right before we’re about to see his whole family. Although he would probably deserve me leaving him with a hard-on in front of them. But I reach over and squeeze his thigh, stroking my thumb against the soft, worn fabric of his jeans.

“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It can’t be worse than the hospital, right? I really got all the awkward right out in the open then. Or my living room? It can’t be that bad again, right?”

“I didn’t think the hospital was awkward,” Jameson grins at me across the truck.

“You don’t think anything’s awkward.”

“You and Jacks just need to clear the air. He can be pissed at me if he wants to, but he doesn’t get to be pissy with you anymore.”

Even if the radio silence from Jacks is killing me, I can’t make him talk to me if he doesn’t want to. Tonight is going to be so awkward if he’s giving me the silent treatment. Maybe we should turn around? What if tonight just makes everything worse?

“You can’t talk about us tonight. I’m serious.”

“If you want me to pretend I don’t know you, I don’t think anyone’s going to buy it, babe.”

“You know what I mean. Don’t talk about our sex life. Or my body. Or touching me. Or the fact that you’ve seen me naked.”

“That’s going to be pretty hard.”

Arching my eyebrows at him, I have an idea. “How about this? If you wouldn’t want someone else to say it about me, then you don’t say it, either.”

“What do you mean?”