Then I rub it onto her nipples, making them messy with my cum. I rub first one and then the other, until each one is hard, and she’s leaning into my hand, pressing her tits against me for more.

When my cum finally stops dripping out of her, I pull her back down onto my lap. Grabbing the shower puff she used on me, I hold it out between us.

“Put a little of that body wash on here for me?”

She picks up the bottle and squirts a couple of pumps onto the puff. After dipping it quickly in the water, I drag it over her breasts, wiping off my cum that I just rubbed all over her. Then I drag the puff down her stomach and slide it between her thighs, wiping her clean. Putting down the puff, I drag my hand with water over her breasts and stomach to rinse off the soap.

“Thanks, Lemon.”

“I feel like I should thank you for whatever that was. Only all you did is make me need you again. I need to come again, Jameson.”

“I’ll make you come as many times as you need, Lemon. I still have one good hand. And don’t forget, a tongue. Or give my dick a couple of minutes, and I’ll be ready to fuck you again. But let’s take this show to bed.”

chapter forty-three


My Lemon is holding me hostage. It’s not a hard sell. I don’t want to be anywhere she’s not. But she won’t let me go anywhere except on a supervised walk a couple of times a day. She won’t let me go to work at the farm. She won’t let me cook.

She’s putting every ounce of her energy into taking care of me. And I like it. I like her fussing over me. But she’s also driving me crazy.

“They’re here!” Lily shouts from where she’s standing at the living room windows peeking out the front of the house, watching the street.

“It’s going to be fine, babe. It’s just my family coming to check on me.”

Lily’s had me all to herself for the last two days, but Selena announced she and Jacks and my dad were coming over to check on me today. And didn’t take no for an answer. We haven’t seen them since the hospital. And Lily and Jacks haven’t talked or texted since the hospital. And that’s not like them.

I knew what I was getting into with falling in love with Lily Wilson. My brother is her best friend. Since birth. I’m not jealous. I want my girl to have her best friend, and I can tell how much she misses him. It kills me whenever she looks at her phone and gets this sad little pout on her face because whatever she got wasn’t a text or a call from Jacks.

Lily’s at the front door before anyone even knocks. She watches as everyone heads up the path and onto the porch. I hang back, trying not to make this situation any worse than I already have.

“Hey, Jacks!” Lily sounds unnatural. Nervous and excited. It’s just Jacks.

My idiot brother looks at my girl and gives her an awkward half-smile. “Hey, Lil. How’s it going?”

“Good. Okay. Jameson’s doing great, I mean.”

Oh lord, she can’t help herself.

“That’s good.” Jacks glances up from Lily and looks around the room. And sees me in the living room. His eyes narrow. Great. So, that’s how this is going to go.

“Hey, Jacks.”

“Jameson. How’s the arm doing?”

“It’s doing good, man. I’ve got the best woman in the whole world taking the best care of me.”

Jacks frowns at me, but Selena marches into the house in front of him with her arms full. “I’ll let that insult slide, but only because you two are so damn cute together!”

When she catches my eyes, she grins at me. At least, she’s on my side in this. Even if my brother isn’t.

I’m not worried about me. Jacks is my brother. He’ll get over it. I can deal with him not wanting to talk to me for a few days or a few weeks. We’ve gone longer than that not talking more times than I can count over the past nearly fifteen years since he moved away from Western Springs. But Lily can’t. She never goes a day without texting Jacks about something or other. Random nonsense, usually. But it makes her happy. And I like seeing my girl happy. That’s all that matters to me.

“Hi, sweetheart,” my dad says, following Selena and Jacks inside. He wraps his arm over Lily’s shoulders and hugs her to his side. Then he nods at me, smiling. “This one giving you any trouble?”

Lily smiles up at him and then looks over at me. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

She can handle me all day long, as far as I’m concerned.