
Lily’s been studying the four pages of aftercare instructions for at least the last thirty minutes. When Jasper dropped us off, she had her arms wrapped around me as we walked up to the house like she wasn’t sure I was going to make it. She made me sit down on the couch, even though I’m filthy. And she’s just been reading and re-reading the aftercare instructions, muttering to herself while I sit here watching her.

“It says you’re not allowed to take a shower.”

“I need to take a shower, babe. I’m disgusting. I worked all day at the farm. Rolled around in the mud when I got tossed around by Jensen’s asshole stallion, whose balls are not long for this world. And then I ended the day in a hospital emergency room. I’m not getting into your bed with you without taking a shower first. I shouldn’t even be sitting on your couch right now without taking a shower first.”

She’s already shaking her head at me before I stop talking. “The aftercare instructions say no showers, so you’re not showering, kid.”


“I don’t want to take any chances. You can’t get your cast wet. Or we’ll have to go back to the hospital. You can have a bath as long as we keep your cast dry. I’ll go draw you one.”

“I haven’t taken a bath since I was seven, babe.”

“Well, you’re taking one tonight. End of story.”

I’d keep arguing with her because I like that almost as much as I like her wanting to take care of me. But I’m tired, and a bath sounds pretty good right now, so I give in to what she wants. I have a feeling I’m going to be giving into what my Lemon wants for as long as she’ll have me.

She stops in the doorway and turns back to face me. She looks so pretty and so worried. “I need to say something else.”

“Okay, you can always talk to me, babe. What do you need to say to me?”

“I’m really, really sorry, kid.”

“Hey, hey. I told you the hospital thing was fine. I’m glad everyone knows about us. You just pulled the bandaid off like we were going to do on Sunday. I only wish I’d seen it.”

“I know. I’m not sorry about that.”

“Then what the hell are you sorry for? You don’t have anything to be sorry about.”

“Yes, I do.” She’s looking down at her hands and she won’t meet my eyes. “I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for making you sneak around for so long. I’m sorry for saying it was only sex. It was never just sex. Well, maybe that first night. But not after that, I swear. I’m just sorry for all of it. I wasted so much time.”

As much as I want to stand up and go to her, I know she wants me sitting here on the couch. So, I keep my ass glued to the blue seat cushion. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything, babe. You needed a little time to get used to the idea. You didn’t waste any time. No time I spend with you is ever wasted. We still ended up in the same place. And trust me, babe. I never believed half of what you said. I knew where this was going to end up all along.”

She narrows her eyes at me, and I like that fire in them more than the sadness that was there a minute ago. “You were so freaking sure where this would end up, huh? You just knew I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to that perfect dick?”

“I wasn’t going to let you say goodbye, babe. Not to me or my perfect dick. We need you way too much for that. We good?”

She nods. “We’re good. I… I’m going to go run you a bath. Stay here. Don’t move. And call me if you need me, okay?”

Lily disappears, and she’s in the bathroom for at least fifteen minutes before she finally comes back to get me. And then she wraps her arms around me like she’s afraid I’m going to fall as she walks me to the bathroom. I never mind her arms around me, but this is getting a little ridiculous.

When I walk into the bathroom, my breath catches. She filled the old claw-foot tub with a bubble bath. The water is high and full of bubbles, and it smells good as fuck. The entire room smells like she does. Brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, and lemon. She even put some flower petals in the water. The light’s off and the entire room’s lit with candles.

And Lily’s changed out of the clothes she was wearing into a robe. I don’t know what that means, but I’m almost certain she’s not wearing anything under it.

“This is definitely an upgrade on the last bath I took. All that one had was rubber duckies and bath crayons.”

She smiles. “You want me to pick you up a rubber duckie the next time I go to the store, kid?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “I’m good. This looks amazing, babe. Thanks. I think I can get behind sexy bath time.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “It’s not sexy bath time. It’s relaxing bath time. You must be so sore. Those bruises already look horrible. You’re just going to sit in that water and let your poor body relax. Come here, I’ll help you get undressed.”

“I’m never going to argue with you taking my clothes off.”

“Good. You shouldn’t argue with me about anything. Because I’m always right.”