“The one with my eyes closed and messy hair?”

“You look perfect. Are you going to change your phone background, Lemon?”

“Hmmm. Maybe. What do you think I should change it to? Maybe just a dick pic or something?” I tell him, laughing. My heart feels so light now. Because I don’t have to say goodbye to him. We’re really doing this. “Wait, I don’t have one. How come you’ve never sent me a dick pic?”

Jameson gives me an impressive side eye. “Do you want me to send you a dick pic?”

“No woman ever wants a dick pic. It’s just that for most guys it’s a go-to move. Especially guys in their twenties.”

“Lemon, I don’t need to send you a dick pic when I’m right here giving you my dick in person every day,” he tells me with a grin. Then, just as fast, he’s glaring at me. “Hold up, guys have been sending you dick pics? What guys?”

“Yes, of course. But not since you. Before you.”

“And you still have them?”

“No!” I cringe. “Absolutely not. I delete them immediately. Well, after I show them to my friends and we make fun of them.”

“You show dick pics to Jacks and Gunnar?” He looks shocked.

“No, but I really wish I’d thought of that. They’d both die from all the awkward. I always show them to my girlfriends.”

“You and your girlfriends make fun of all these poor guys out here sending dick pics?”

“Oh, please. Ask me how many solicited—as in I asked the guy to send me one—dick pics I’ve ever received.”

“How many?”


“You never asked for a single one?”


“And how many did you get?” Jameson looks morbidly curious, like he doesn’t want to know the answer, but he can’t stop himself from asking.

“I don’t know. Dozens?”

“Dozens of guys have sent you photos of their dicks without you asking?”

I nod. “But do you know what I text them back?”

Jameson growls at me, low and feral. Possessive. “There had better not be dozens of pictures of your pussy out there, Lemon.”

“Ewww. No. Why would I give them that when I didn’t want the dick pic in the first place? I text them, 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war…”

Jameson barks out a half-groan, half-laugh. “You do not send them that.”

Laughing, I nod at him. “That’s what they deserve for sending me unsolicited dick pics!”

“It’s a good thing you have me now, Lemon. I promise to never send you a picture of my dick without you asking.”

“Such a gentleman.” I rub my hand over his shoulder, loving how close he is. Loving that he’s mine. I don’t have to say goodbye to him now. We don’t have to stop. “Would you send me one if I asked?”

“I keep telling you, Lemon. I’ll give you whatever you want. All you have to do is tell me what you need.”

“That’s a lot of power, kid.”

“So, use it wisely. Not sure the world could handle a picture of my perfect dick. Could cause an international incident or something.”