“Definitely the first one he’s ever had,” Gunnar says with a grin, shoving Jameson’s shoulder.

Jameson looks pissed now. His face is calm, but the way his eyes are narrowed and his jaw is clenched? He’s really pissed. About Gunnar shoving him? I’ve seen all the Waters boys, including Gunnar, shove each other when they joke around a million times. Why would that piss him off?

“Didn’t know he had ideas at all, much less good ones,” Jasper says, laughing.

“You’re all assholes. Very kind assholes for being here to help me. But you should be nicer to your brother!” Because now I have an acceptable reason to, I walk over to stand next to Jameson where he’s standing now behind the counter. Reaching out, I squeeze his hand under the counter where no one can see. “Thanks for this. I mean it.”

“You remember how Lily always used to stick up for Jameson when we were kids? Guess he still needs her to protect him,” Jacks says, and everyone laughs.

Everyone except me.

“I never needed anyone to fight my battles for me. But what am I going to do? Argue with a pretty lady defending me? I don’t think so. I’d have to be as dumb as the rest of you to do that.” Jameson gives me a slow smile—one just for me—that makes me clench my thighs.

“What honor?” Jacks asks. “Jasper already told us that you’re never home anymore. Have a secret girl on the side? You ashamed of her? Or is she ashamed of you? Probably the second one.”

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Stay calm. Remain calm. This is not a drill.

“Where I spend my nights is none of your business. Any of you,” Jameson answers, shaking his head.

I can only see him out of the corner of my eye. And I know if I actually look at him, I’ll give everything away.

“Come on, tell us something about this woman who’s apparently got you wrapped around her pussy,” Jasper says, then remembers who he’s with. “Sorry, Lily. Sorry, Selena.”

“I’m not talking about her pussy… I promised her I wouldn’t. Even if she does keep me wrapped up tight in it…” Jameson says with a grin.

I’m going to kill him.

I’m going to murder this man.

When the entire shop fills with laughs and encouragement to Jameson for fucking his secret girl right, I’m about to explode and tell them they’re talking about him fucking me right. Fucking my pussy. Every single one of these guys would beat the hell out of any man they knew was talking about me like this. And now they’re the ones doing it.

“It’s way too early for this much dumb testosterone,” Selena says with an eye roll. “Lily and I are going next door to the bakery to pick up some fancy coffees. If you’re lucky, we might bring you back some drip. Please finish beating your chests and figuring out who has the biggest dick before we get back. And just remember, boys, it’s not how big it is, it’s what you do with it that matters!”

“That’s not what you said last night, baby,” Jacks tells her with a huge grin.

Selena turns back to face Jacks and narrows her eyes at him. “You know you’re going to pay for that, right Nugget?”

Jacks’ smile grows even bigger. “Can’t wait, baby. Can’t fucking wait.”

“That man!” Selena rolls her eyes, and then herds me out the front door of the shop.

I can hear the laughing and shouting behind me, but I’m actively trying not to hear the specifics of what any of them are saying.

My phone buzzes as I step outside the shop.


Sorry Lemon

But I’m never going to lie to you. You have me wrapped up tight as fuck in that sweet little apple pie pussy of yours

chapter twenty-seven


Selena walks right up to the counter and orders enough coffees, breakfast sandwiches, and pastries to feed fifty people.