“Start talking, kid. Why did you start calling me Lemon?”

“Why do you think I started calling you Lemon?”

“Is it because I’m blonde? Or like, sour or something?”

“You are both those things. Or you can be, when you want to be. But that’s not the reason.”

“Then tell me why you call me Lemon. Or I’ll tickle it out of you.”

Jameson shakes his head and stares past my shoulder. “I don’t know. It kind of just happened. After you licked my stomach in the middle of a crowded bar and turned me on more than I had any right to be turned on in public, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Something was different. There was the time before you licked my abs at the Goldrush, and the time after you licked my abs at the Goldrush. I thought about how long I’d known you and all the time we spent together our whole lives. And I kept thinking about that purple dress you had when you were a kid. The one with lemons on it. You were obsessed with that dress. You wore it like six days a week.”

“You remember that dress? It was my favorite. Oh, my god. How do you remember that?”

“I remember everything about you, babe.”

“Seriously? I loved that dumb dress so much. I used to cry whenever it was in the laundry. I was so sad when I finally grew out of it. I probably still have it somewhere. I refused to let my mom give it away.”

“I remember. You never took the thing off.”

“But what does that have to do with you calling me Lemon?”

“One day, it just popped out. I was thinking about you all the time. And how long we’ve known each other, and all of our memories together. All the ones we’d already made. And then I just called you Lemon out of nowhere. And it looked like it pissed you off, so I figured I should keep doing it. I wanted to have something, some part of you, that was just for me. And I was the only one calling you Lemon.”

“Why would you want to piss me off?”

“Because at least if you were pissed off at me, it meant you were paying attention to me, babe.”


“Yeah, babe?”

“You have all my attention. You have all of me. You don’t ever have to worry about that anymore. And you never need to piss me off to get it.”

“I know I do, babe. But let’s be honest. I’m probably still going to piss you off, even if I’m not trying to.”


“That’s Husband to you, Lemon.”

“Call me Wife, kid. I want to see how it feels.”

“I love you, Wife.”

“I love you too, Husband.”

“You want me to start calling you Wife?”

“I want to be your wife more than anything. But I want you to call me Lemon.”

Jameson leans forward and presses his lips against my forehead. “I love you, Lemon. I wish we could have been here like this sooner.”

“You weren’t even on my radar before the night you took me home from the Goldrush. You were always just the little kid brother tagging along after everyone, and I guess I never saw you differently until that night. But I wouldn’t change it, Jameson. I wouldn’t change a single thing. Because what if one of us did something or said something back then and we couldn’t take it back? What if we never ended up here like this?”

“I wouldn’t change a single thing if it meant there was a risk that we wouldn’t end up here right now. I feel so fucking lucky to be the man in your bed, Lemon. To be the man who put an engagement ring on your finger.”

“Good. Keep it that way. But I’m never going to tell you exactly how lucky I feel to be the woman in your bed, kid. The woman wearing the engagement ring you put on her finger.”

Jameson gives me one of his slow, sexy smiles. Spending the rest of my life learning each and every one of this man’s smiles sounds like time very well spent to me. “You’re not going to tell me that, huh?”