But this was not the past.

This was the present, and never had it been so painful and confusing.

Domenico loved her, didn’t he?

So why was this happening? And – whatever this was – why was she letting it happen without doing anything to fight for her chance to have Domenico back? Was she going to be a wimp forever?

The thought gave her the strength and courage she needed to take action, and Misty determinedly pushed herself off the bed. The world spun a little with the first few steps she took, but she stubbornly continued. It took a while but she managed to cross the room and open the door.

A pair of guards bearing the Lyccan Council’s colors was standing outside, and they immediately bowed at seeing her. “Do you know where I may find Riyu Delicazzi? Domenico is supposed to be speaking with him and I want to speak with my husband.”

She got the same reaction from the guards, and the incredulity in their gazes hurt because Misty had a feeling that they both believed that she had coldly thrown Domenico away. If she felt so bad seeing that, how much worse could it be for Domenico? How many times did he have to listen to other Lyccans talk about him behind his back, to laugh at him for having his wife leave him for another race?

One of the guards escorted her down and into a hallway that she assumed led to Riyu’s office. This time, a pair of guards she assumed to be Caros were stationed on each side of the double doors. They bowed upon seeing her before one of them knocked on the door and went in to announce her presence.

The door opened again and out came Riyu, a puzzled look on his face. “Can I help you, princess?”

Despite the heaviness in her heart, she couldn’t help smile at how arrogant the boy was. Misty could literally hear the small ‘p’ in the way he called her ‘princess’, as if reminding her that they were of the same rank. He really was so much like Domenico – and she had no doubt this was how Domenico had acted in his younger days.

“Is Domenico inside? He said he was going to talk to you.”

The frown deepened. “As far I know, princess, he went back to his room.”

“Oh.” For a moment, all she could do was stare at Riyu, lost as to what to do.

A barely perceptible sigh escaped his lips. “Would you like me to escort you to his quarters, princess?”

Even as she blushed, Misty said, “If it’s no trouble?” It was embarrassing to let Riyu know that she was seeking Domenico’s company at this time of the night. The conclusion to that was practically inevitable. But she really didn’t care. She needed to see Domenico tonight and talk things out with him.

“As you wish,” Riyu replied after giving her a long, considering look. He dismissed her Lyccan escorts and she followed him back up, all the way to the fourth floor. He gestured to the first door to the left.

“Thank you,” she told him.

He cocked his head to the side in acknowledgment but did not move an inch, as if waiting to see what she would do next.

Blushing harder, she went to where Domenico was supposed to be and knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

She said shakily, “Domenico?”

There was still no answer.

Her hand shook as she tried one last time, knocking and calling his name once more.

But still Domenico didn’t come.

She rattled the door knob. “Domenico?” Misty couldn’t believe he really was shutting her out.

Silence remained as her answer.

Misty heard Riyu say quietly behind her, “Perhaps he’s already asleep?”

“Yes,” she managed to whisper. “Maybe…he’s asleep.” She turned back to Riyu, smiling even as she felt her eyes sting with tears. Domenico was a Lyccan, and it would have been impossible for him to miss her knock or her calling out his name.

As Riyu and Misty gazed at each other, his face bland, hers pale, the truth of the matter was like a silent scream only both of them could hear.

Domenico hadn’t opened the door because he was dead to the world.

Domenico hadn’t opened the door because Misty was dead to him.

Inside his room, Domenico knew the moment Misty started to cry, the sound and scent of her tears easily reaching him and twisting his heart into pieces.

Chapter Eleven

Misty’s face was bleached of color when she showed up for breakfast the next morning, escorted by another pair of Lyccan guards. Without any makeup at her disposal, Misty was unable to conceal the fact that her eyes were swollen and underlined with dark bags. Earlier, a Caro guard had knocked on her door, giving her a parcel containing a fresh change of clothes. It was from Riyu, according to the note attached, and she was welcomed to them only if she didn’t mind the fact that the clothes were from his late sister.

She didn’t mind, but she did quietly recite a prayer for the soul of Riyu’s sister. The dress was beautiful and silky, with a sweetheart neckline, capped sleeves, and a skirt that fell a little past her knees.

The three Caro boys were at the table when she came down, and they immediately stood up as she walked towards them. There was no sign of Domenico, though.

“I hope you’re feeling better now, Princess?” Luka asked.

Stefan pulled out a chair for her. “It would be my honor to have you seated next to me, Princess.”

Riyu grunted.

She had to smile. The three had acted exactly the way she thought they’d act. Breakfast was pleasant, particularly because no one made mention of Domenico even though she had a strong gut feeling Riyu had told the others what happened last night.

When they finished breakfast, Luka said quietly, “Your escort is waiting outside whenever you are ready, Princess.”

Hands twisted with worry on her lap, Misty nevertheless managed to say in a calm voice, “I’m ready.” And she was. If Domenico thought she would give up without asking him what had suddenly made him change towards her then he didn’t really know her.

She wasn’t the same old Misty. Maybe she wasn’t that much of an optimist anymore, but she was still stubborn and she believed in herself more – or at least enough to think she still had a chance with Domenico. They just had to talk first.

The three were more subdued upon escorting her out of the hall. At the front door, she paused, turning to the boys with a hesitant smile. “I just want to thank you all again for helping us.”

“It was our honor.” Luka bowed.

“It was my pleasure.” Stefan winked.

Luka cleared his throat.

Riyu sighed. “Princess, as part of the Alliance, we are obliged---”