“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that, Lysander Allard?” The old man gave him the evil eye. “It’s a disgrace, how you turned out.”

He scowled. “You just said you didn’t think I’m g*y.”

Sir Belmont threw him a disgusted glance. “I wasn’t talking about that, you stupid boy. I’m talking about you – as a person. The Allards were once the gentlest of the noble families, the one with the heart of courage and generosity. It is a pity that as the last of your line you have become completely cold.”

“How can you say that,” Lysander hissed, “when I’m willing to give up my own life for our race?”

The old man remained unimpressed. “If that is all you can say for yourself then---”

The front door flew open, Misty coming out in a shirt and jumper, looking like a fresh-faced high school student with her face scrubbed clean of makeup. She brightened when she saw Sir Belmont. “Welcome back, Sir Belly.”

Lysander’s jaw dropped, momentarily forgetting his anger upon hearing what Misty called the other man. Even though he was known nowadays as their race’s own Grinch, everyone was also well aware that he had been one of the greatest swordsmen of his time.

Sir “Belly” ignored his slack-jawed look, his face creasing with a rare smile as he gave Misty a bag of fruits. “Ripe for eating,” he told her warmly.

Misty grinned. “Thank you! Let’s have tea sometime this week?”

“If you can spare this poor old man some time.”

Lysander wanted to choke. Was the old man flirting with Misty now?

Misty said earnestly, “Of course I’ll always have time for you.”

Yuck was the word that came to mind as he watched Sir Belmont bask in Misty’s attention. Clearing his throat loudly, Lysander asked, “Shall we go?”

She gave her friend a regretful smile. “Catch up with you soon?”

Sir Belmont nodded. “You have fun wherever you’re going!”

“We’re just going on a picnic,” she explained quickly. “Do you want to---”

“The old man needs some rest, my pretty,” Lysander said just as quickly, knowing his plans would go nowhere if the other man was around.

Misty’s face fell. “Oh. Sorry about that. Maybe next time then.” As she turned away, Lysander caught sight of Sir Belmont giving him a dirty look. He was about to mouth “Fuck off” to the older man when Misty turned to him.

He gave her his most angelic smile. “Ready for our picnic?”

Lysander took her to one of his favorite places in the realm. Deep within the forests, hidden at the end of a brook was a cave he had discovered when he was a young boy. And after the Great War, it had served as his sanctuary---the only place he could be himself.

He had never brought anyone to his sanctuary until Misty, but he decided not to tell her that.

“This is great!” Misty had to shout her words because the roar of the nearby waterfalls would have otherwise drowned out her voice. Caves in the human worlds usually sparkled with stalactites and stalagmites but here in the realm of Faeries, the caves glowed with flowers that seemed to thrive in darkness, their petals shining bright in a rainbow of colors.

She shook her head in amazement. “Glow in the dark flowers. Did your ancestors create them, too?”

He shook his head. “I think you misunderstand how our realm works. Although we had sacrificed blood for this realm, none of it would have happened if not for Nature. It’s from her all our powers come from.”

In a very casual move, Lysander lowered himself to the ground and laid his head on her lap. Then he ordered her, “Comb my hair please!”

It was exactly the right thing to say, making Misty laugh, the tinkling sound making his c**k jerk inside his pants. He ignored it again even though lately he had been having cold showers every night – the only thing that kept him from trying to seduce Misty in her own home.

She hand-combed his hair, exclaiming wonder at how soft it was. “I’m the one who should be envious of your hair! It’s so soft and shiny!”

He tried not to grimace at how very g*y that sounded. One day, Lysander would have the chance to make Misty realize just how much of a man he was. But until that day came, he simply had to grit his teeth and bear all her assumptions – assumptions that he had personally nurtured.

They laughed and talked for hours, swimming after and then eating lunch back in the cave. Replete, he laid back, head again nestled in her lap, delighted at having the best vantage view of Misty’s br**sts above him.

“Did you have fun, my pretty?”

She nodded.

“It would be nice to have this much fun every day, don’t you think?”

“It would be nice and surreal.” The old Misty would never have said something like that, but life had taught her certain hard truths.

“But it could happen, you know?” Lysander heard the snapping of twigs before Misty did. It made him panic, knowing that just the sight of Domenico could make Misty forget all about him. His voice was a little uneven when he heard himself ask, “What do you think about marrying me?”

She stared at him in openmouthed shock. “But y-you’re g*y.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t need a companion.”

When Lysander reached for her hand and linked his fingers with his, Misty realized just how strong he was, more like Milo than Daryl. She looked down at him, and his too-beautiful face was devoid of expression except for the fierce light in his lilac-colored eyes.

His voice was soft and beguiling as he whispered, “It would be a life you’d never be hurt, never have to wonder if your partner is cheating on you or using you for your own ends.” The sound of snapping twigs was stronger now. He knew Domenico could have come to them without being heard, but that he was deliberately letting Lysander know he was coming in advance told him that the Moretti prince was reluctant to catch them unawares.

Because he was afraid of what he would see them doing?

Misty pulled her hand away from his. “That’s not a good joke,” she said shakily.

He reached up to thread his fingers through her hair. “It wasn’t one.” This time, he heard leaves rustling, the slice of claws in the air as if Domenico had momentarily shifted, creating tension in the air.

And then the tension was gone, and Lysander his time with Misty was about to end. He smiled up at Misty, asking in a teasing voice, “Do you think your prince will get mad once he finds out about this?”