Page 38 of Virgin Sacrifice

Again, I waited for her to struggle or cry out in vain.


My cock, which was hard from the moment I saw her tight round body bouncing down the path as she ran toward me with murder in her eyes, grew even stiffer at her oddly indomitable response to me. Did she even understand who she was with?

“I should take your hands for attempting to strike me,” I mused, my voice low. “However, I am far more interested in correcting these lies you’re telling yourself about my brother and me.”

Her nose wrinkled, drawing my attention to the cinnamon-colored freckles dusted across it and along the tops of her cheeks. I wondered what they would taste like if I licked them.

“Are you saying that you and Nixon had nothing to do with the hearts?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Hearts? Plural?”

“Not like that,” she muttered in frustration, shaking her head. “There have been no more real hearts.” She paused, nibbling on her lower lip. “There’s just been a couple of stickers, like dumb sparkly sticker hearts. They keep popping up in places where I can’t miss them, and I thought . . .”

I snorted with derision. “We were playing some sort of childish game with you?”

She narrowed her eyes at me in response, but still didn’t attempt to shake my grip. “And lurking around in the dark to intimidate me isn’t?”

I didn’t respond. Nix had already explained why we were observing her, and I refused to repeat what he said to satisfy her temper.

“And what about Professor Blackwell?” she pushed.

I shrugged, not loosening my hold on her.

“You said that you needed to correct the lies about you and your brother, but not him?”

I bet that if I released her, the little demoness would stay and stand her ground. Not that I intended to give her so much as an inch. I was enjoying the feeling of her against me far too much, and it was clear that she was just as unwilling to walk away from our confrontation as I was.

“Not Locke’s keeper,” I replied.

The odds that he was the one harassing Luz were small. He couldn’t have been the one to leave her the pig’s heart. Locke had been in NYC that night. And as far as the stickers, I couldn’t imagine the uptight prick touching one even as a small child. So, while I had every intention of digging into why he had downplayed his interactions with Luz, I doubted he was working behind Lucian’s back to secretly terrorize her outside the classroom.

Not that I would tell her any of that.

Locke was in fact the walking definition of a “raging dickhole” as Luz had called him, but he was still a Blackwell.

“Of course you’re not,” she hissed, her lips pursed tight in frustration. Her muscles tighten up in anticipation, and I knew that for the first time that night, she was considering fleeing.

I couldn’t have that, not when I wasn’t done with her.

Moving faster than she could, I roughly pulled her in closer to me, this time grinding my hips forcefully into her soft stomach so there was no ambiguity about my body’s reaction to her.

Unfortunately, I needed to figure out what the hell was going on at Hollow Oak more than I needed to get my dick wet, so there would be no pursuing this any further tonight, even if I felt the pulse point in her wrists surge and the arching of her hips as she tried to fight off the urge to push up against me in return. If she opened those round thighs just a couple of inches wider, I bet I could have her riding my leg, grinding down on me as she chased her pleasure . . .

Instead, I simply stared down at her, trying to solve the puzzle before me wrapped up in such a sumptuous package.

“If it’s not you . . .” For the first time since I’d met her, there was real doubt in her eyes. “If it’s not you and your brother, and I don’t . . .” she stammered on, suddenly tearing her gaze from my own for the first time that night.

I didn’t like it.

“. . . I don’t think it’s Professor Blackwell either,” she admitted in a hushed tone.

I didn’t acknowledge her with words, but my hands crept up her arms of their own accord until I was gripping her biceps tightly.

She didn’t flinch. If anything, something inside her gave way as she sank deeper into my hold, and every part of me went rigid at my desire to bear the weight of her entirely.

Her forehead came to rest on the center of my chest, and there was something so natural about what should have been a wholly foreign sensation that I allowed it to continue. I waited patiently to hear her ask aloud the same question that I had long been pondering myself.