Page 24 of Virgin Sacrifice

Instead of fighting it, I took the opportunity to learn about the two men currently holding me against my will.

Nixon was tall and built like a swimmer, all lean explosive power that seemed poised to go off at a moment’s notice. With one arm lazily draped behind his head, he leaned casually against the stone pillar to our right. His black Henley rode up with the motion, and I could just barely make out a sliver of taut, tattooed skin in the dark. A shiver ran through my core as I forced my eyes to his face.

A light scruff of sandy facial hair covered his angular jaw and a smattering of golden freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. This close, I could even see the tiniest white scar, no more than a couple of millimeters, running vertically through his sumptuous upper lip. I also couldn’t help but notice that his clothes were dry, along with his still perfectly styled hair.

My spine stiffened as I realized that Alister, who remained tightly pressed against me, also felt dry to the touch.

They hadn’t just come in from the rain. They had been waiting for me. Watching me.

I swallowed, dizziness rushing through me, my senses heightened as my awareness of Alister’s proximity to me began to register. Every inch of me was melded against the hard planes of his body, confirming that he was just as powerfully built as his brother.

It wasn’t just the nearness of him that overwhelmed me—the scent of him seemed to envelop me and muddle my senses. He smelled earthy and raw, like the woods after heavy rain. It was hard to discern where he ended and the storm around us began.

Another pitch of lightning shattered the sky, and I instinctively pressed back into my captor. His hips thrust forward in response, and his hardening cock pressed firmly against me. I should have flinched, should have fought back against the violation, but something about the twins had me holding back.

My breath stilled in my lungs, and my nipples hardened as Alister continued to slowly grind his length into me. Despite the layers of clothing between us, I could feel the heat of him against me.

“Oh, look, Ali, she likes you,” Nixon crooned, a sadistic sneer marring his beautiful face. “Didn’t you always want a puppy, brother?” He stepped even closer to me. Just inches away, he dropped his hand to hover just above my chest.

I flinched instinctively, even as something inside me reacted to his presence.

“Don’t worry, puppy,” Nixon said softly. His fingers skimmed a hair’s breadth away from my breasts, causing another bolt of adrenaline to surge through my already overwrought body.

While the twins may have looked identical, their scents were a study in contrast. Where Alister’s was caught up in the wild headiness of the storm, Nixon’s burned brightly against it. Cinnamon, smoke, and char washed over me with every breath I took.

I was shivering now, despite Alister still holding me firmly in place, and I struggled to hold back a whimper as I watched Nixon’s long, tattooed fingers dip toward the top of my breasts, only to stop short and reach down to deftly pluck my crucifix from where it hung. My skin burned even though he had barely grazed me and I watched with bated breath as he inspected the golden cross for a minute, before dropping it gently back down on my chest and taking a step away from me and his brother, leaving me feeling strangely deflated by his actions.

Narrowing his eyes at me, Nixon took me in once more, calculations visibly running through his cold blue eyes before he came to some sort of decision. He looked up over my shoulder to nod at his brother.

The hand covering my mouth suddenly relaxed and pulled away, and I choked back a breath of the cold damp night air before looking up to scowl at Nixon. Even though the sky was almost pitch black, his eyes shone coldly under the lights of Granger Hall.

“Now, now, pet,” he growled; the warning was clear in his voice. “This is just a friendly, getting-to-know-you introduction between students. Right, Ali?”

Alister said nothing behind me, but I could feel him nod his head once in agreement with his twin.

“You,” Nixon said exuberantly, a smile on his lips and violence in his eyes, “have been attracting a lot of attention here on campus.”

My throat dried up as my heart dropped in my chest.

What did they know?

“And my brother and I, we just had to meet the girl who’s the talk of Hollow Oak,” he continued, his hands steepled in front of him, drawing my attention back to them once again. Fear churned inside me at the sight of Nixon Blackwell, and yet I couldn’t stop taking in all the details that made him up. This close I could see the letters tattooed across his knuckles, spelling out the words pure pain.

“I’m not sure what you mean,” I whispered, my voice rough from holding my breath under Alister’s grip. “And I’m not sure that it’s particularly nice to meet you, either.”

The lightning cracked through the sky again, illuminating the flash of anger in Nixon’s eyes.

“Careful, puppy.” His tone was severe and full of promise. “No one likes a bitch.”

“What do you want with me?” I refused to beg. The two of them had me at a disadvantage, and they would only let me go when they were darn well ready.

“Tsk, tsk. I told you already, we wanted to come and meet you, Luz. After all, it’s not every girl on campus who’s got someone leaving a bleeding heart nailed to her door.”

“I already spoke to the police about it. Why would I tell you anything?”

Behind me, Alister’s free hand shot forward and wrapped firmly around my neck, forcing my jaw up and making me meet the pissed-off gaze of his twin.

“Don’t be a stupid bitch, Torres,” Nixon snarled, stepping forward once again, this time blocking out all the light as he boxed me in between him and his brother. “We already know everything you said to the police . . .”