Suddenly, a deep, throaty groan broke through the silence, and I found myself cautiously peering around the door, my eyes immediately drawn to the source.
Sprawled across an armchair, with a head full of long brunette hair bobbing between his legs, was one of the twins I had seen that first day of class: a Blackwell.
It was impossible to tell them apart. According to Autumn, even their tattoos matched, confirming my earlier suspicions. Whichever one he was, he was glorious in his wanton splendor.
His elegant white button-down was undone, exposing the golden skin of his chest. It was covered in the same black-and-white tattoos that wrapped around his arms, and from where I stood, I could make out the images of different chess pieces and playing cards set against a backdrop of swirling gray smoke and blackthorns.
Another ragged groan tore forth from him, and my own breathing became rough as I ground my thighs together in protest.
His head was thrown back in ecstasy, and my eyes involuntarily traced up the muscular column of his neck and across his tension-filled jaw and found a plush mouth lax with pleasure. His dark eyes were barely slits as he chased after his high of choice, his dirty blond locks askew. Time seemed to have slowed down as I watched him piston his hips back and forth, fucking the brunette’s face with utter abandon.
Gripping my shoulders, I fought back against the shivers threatening to run down my spine. It was absolutely time for me to look away, and yet I was unable to.
His elegantly tattooed fingers wrapped around the back of her head, cupping her skull in the palm of his large hand as he thrust himself violently inside her throat one more time before pulling out and spilling himself all over her face.
The sound of a man politely coughing made me jump where I stood. Fear constricting my chest, I looked across the room to find the other Blackwell twin sitting stiffly on the bed, placidly observing his brother while a couple of other guys did some lines off the dresser. None of them appeared to have noticed me.
The first twin never took his steely gaze off the girl kneeling before him.
“Open up.” His voice was somehow soft yet venomous as he pinched her cheeks together tightly, prying her mouth open and forcing her tongue out. I watched, mesmerized, as he leaned forward, indifference briefly clouding his features, before he sneered and forcefully spat in her mouth.
“Oh—” I whimpered before I could slap my hand over my mouth, stifling my involuntary moan.
“Swallow,” he commanded, and I was grateful I hadn’t yet removed my hand.
What was wrong with me that the scene before me brought tears to my eyes and aching in my core?
“Did you hear something?” one of the guys doing coke piped up from across the room, and I stepped from the door, silently backing away as quickly as I could, my pulse pounding, before making my way downstairs.
I could hear the sound of someone coming down the hallway, but I was already lost in the crowd by the time they made their way to the landing. One of the Blackwell twins, presumably the one sitting on the bed as he was fully clothed, gripped the edge of the banister as he glared down at the partygoers below.
Refusing to give him a second glance and risk attracting his attention, I marched confidently through the party, making a beeline for Autumn and Aaron, who were exactly where I had left them, to my relief. Slapping Aaron’s phone back in his hand, I grabbed Autumn, unwilling to hear any more arguments, and started to half drag, half carry her back to our dorm.
It wasn’t until I had finally locked myself in my own room, after tucking her into bed with a bottle of water and some aspirin, that I was finally able to really take a breath again. And when I did, I collapsed on my own bed in a fit of jittery giggles. Adrenaline was still surging in my veins, and my thoughts about what I witnessed were a wild, chaotic mess.
Glancing at my phone, I saw that it was well past one in the morning, and I chewed on my lip as I debated my options.
There was no way I could fall asleep right now, not with all this restless energy inside me.
Ultimately, I decided that a nice long hot steamy shower was the best course of action. It would calm me down and give me a task that could distract me from my warring thoughts.
Thirty minutes later, my skin nearly scalded but my mind quiet, and I finally made my way into bed.
Tomorrow was Sunday and I could sleep in. It would be a new day, a fresh start from the night’s adventures.
An ear-piercing scream wrenched me awake what felt like only minutes later.
“Holy shit! Holy fuck!” a hysterical female voice cried outside, sounding as if they were standing directly in front of my room.
Instinctively, I bolted from my bed and put my ear to the door to listen before reacting.
“Oh my God,” another voice sobbed, distinct from the still ongoing screams of the first.
There was something terribly, horribly wrong out there.
I was reaching for the doorknob when I heard Autumn’s voice, sounding low and scratchy, above the clamor.
“Guys, what’s going on, it’s— Oh my fucking God! Luz! Luz!” She started screaming, and I suddenly unlocked my door without hesitation as a bolt of fear I didn’t think I was capable of shot through me.