Page 151 of A Very Merry Mistake

She laughs. “Thank you. I like your shirt. And you’re handsome.”

“Like my daddy.” He beams.

Emma meets Hudson’s eyes, then she returns her attention back to Colby. “Yeah, just like your daddy.”

The first firework soars into the sky then, and the crowd erupts into applause. Jake and I settle on the blanket on the ground. Emma stays standing with Colby as Hudson stays close by to them. Jake’s brother says something to Emma, and I think I see her blush as she tucks her lips into her mouth.

“How long is your sister stayin’ in town?” Jake asks, wrapping his arm around me as we continue watching the display. One after another, the fireworks shoot up and fall into glittery sparkles.

“You tell me. I didn’t even know she was coming,” I admit, smirking and glancing down at the ring on my finger.

“Ah, right. Forgot I invited her. I have no idea, either.”

The crowd oohs and ahhs. I hear Colby laughing, Lucas and Hank chatting, and the sound of music drifts with the warm summer breeze.

“Are you happy?” Jake asks, his fingers brushing against my skin, causing goose bumps to form. That will never get old.

“God, yes,” I assure him. He tries to kiss my cheek, and I turn my head, allowing our lips to collide. “And you?”

“Happiest man in the universe. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, CeCe. I have to pinch myself every day to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

“Me, too.” I interlock my fingers with his.

The fireworks continue, and when the grand finale begins, Emma sits down next to me. “How long are you stayin’?”

“Maybe a month?” She looks at me like she’s asking for my permission.

I meet her eyes, then glance at Hudson, who’s wiping blue off Colby’s face. “Sis, I have a feelin’ a month won’t be long enough.”

She lowers her voice. “I overheard his mother say something about being unable to watch that adorable little boy next week.”

“Yeah,” I whisper. “He’s been struggling with that.”

Colby runs over to us and crawls into Jake’s lap. “Oh, look who’s finally choosing me,” Jake says.

“Unkie JJ, look at my dinosaur.” Colby pulls a toy out of his pocket and nearly pokes Jake in the eye with it.

I glance back and see Hudson shaking his head.

“What if I helped?” Emma grabs my hands. “You know I love kids. And I’m traveled out these days.”

“Are you sick?” I lift my hand and put it on her forehead. “You don’t feel warm.”

Emma playfully pushes me away. “No. I’m just tired of not vacationing during my vacations. Sure, I’ve seen some beautiful places, but I’m always on the go, trying to capture the right shot. I just want to relax.”

There was a time when Emma wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. At eighteen, she found her love for photography and traveling, then found an audience for her passions online. The rest is history. But she has been seeing the world for the last ten years with very few breaks.

“You can stay as long as you want,” Jake offers, shooting Emma a wink. “It’s not like CeCe’s house is being used.”

All I can do is laugh. “He’s telling the truth. Now I just run home for a bathroom break if I have a lot of employees at work.”

Emma chuckles. “You can still stop by and take a shit anytime you want.”

I bump her shoulder. “I don’t need your permission. But honestly, I’d be honored to have you stay there as long as you want. You should be careful, though.”

“Why’s that?”

“You might never want to leave.”