Page 135 of A Very Merry Mistake

“Oh, it’s heavy,” Claire says. I hold her mug as she carefully unwraps it. Then she gasps. “The other snow globe! Thank you so much.”

“I kept thinking about you only choosing one when it was clear you wanted both. Stupid rule, by the way. But if you look closely at the people inside, they kinda look like us,” I say, pointing at them.

She shakes it, and the snow falls around the couple, who are happily holding hands. “They do,” she says. “And they’re clearly happy. Smiling. Almost as if he just told her something funny.”

“Oh, almost forgot.” I set down the coffee mugs, then pick up the tiny Christmas hat that Claire got for Tinsel. I click my tongue, and that old girl comes running to me. When she’s close, I bend down and put the elastic on her head.

Tinsel shakes her head, trying to get it to fall off. It doesn’t work. She jumps on the back of the couch, still fighting it. When she gives up the fight, she sits and glares forward, but neither of us remove it.

Claire snickers. “Oh my God, she hates it!”

“She looks cute, though.”

I turn to Claire. “Are you happy? I want to make sure this, me, living in Merryville, is really what you want.”

“Jake.” She wraps her arms around my waist, and I dip down to kiss her. “I’ve fallen in love with you,” she says. “Being near you feels safe. And I’m so attracted to you that I’d be okay with you walking around naked all day every day. You’re always on my mind. I’m not used to feeling this way about anyone, because I’ve never experienced anything like this. When you look at me, I know you care. I know you want me. I know you’d protect me. I know you’d love me forever.”

“I do love you,” I say. “It’s quick. All of this. But I’ve never clicked with someone so fast. It scares me because I’m so fucking afraid of losing you.” I set the coffee mugs down on the table in front of the couch and move back to her, painting my lips against hers.

“I’m scared, too,” she admits. “I don’t want to live my life without you in it.”

I laugh against her mouth, tugging her bottom lip between my teeth and sucking. “I’ve waited a lifetime for you.”

“I’m never letting you go,” she says. “Unless you decide you no longer want me.”

I grab her hands. “That would never happen. My mama told me that when I find the person I’m supposed to spend forever with, I’d instantly know, and I do.”

“I love you, Jake Jolly.” She kisses me, her emotions pouring into me, and all I want is her.

“I love you, CeCe. I was serious about what I said last night.”

She looks down at her left hand, which is bare of any jewelry. “I’ll be waiting.”

I wrap my arm around her waist and laugh. “Just tryin’ out the girlfriend thing for now.”

She nods. “And one day, I’ll be your fiancée.”

* * *

Hours later, we get dressed and drive to my parents’ house.The front yard and driveway are full of vehicles. It looks like the whole crowd has already arrived.

“Are we late?” Claire unbuckles her seatbelt and glances at me.

I shake my head. “No, we’re ten minutes early. They’re just punctual. Plus, anytime there is a lot of food around, people show up early.”

“I’m somewhat nervous,” she admits.

I chuckle. “Don’t be, darlin’. They’re very excited you’re joining us. And if anyone tries to give you a hard time, Mawmaw will stop them in her tracks, trust me.”

“Okay.” She sighs. “I hope you’re right. I’m just not used to being around a large family, I guess. It’s always just been me and my sister.”

“You’ll get used to it.” I lean over and kiss her cheek.

We walk into the garage and enter through the side door. I grab Claire’s hand and pull her toward me, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “You good?”

“Yes,” she whispers. The counters are full of pies and the buffet of food that we’ll be eating tonight. We ate eggs and bacon for breakfast and skipped lunch to save room for supper.

As soon as we walk into the living room, I smile.