Her brows raise. “I think I could make it happen. But you’ll be charged a rush delivery fee.”
“Thank you. I’ll be happy to pay whatever.” I add a few more items to my list. Toward the back of the store, I come across some costumes for animals and see a tiny Santa hat that would look adorable on Tinsel. I grab it and take it to the counter.
Magnolia is busy tapping away on the computer and scanning barcodes from a binder. As she continues, I see two coffee mugs stacked on top of one another on a small table with other knickknacks. One says HIS, and the other says HERS. I grab the set and place it on the counter.
Thirty minutes later, Magnolia’s eyes are wide.
“Ma’am…” She hesitates.
“You can call me CeCe,” I say.
“CeCe.” She clears her throat. “This is your total.”
She turns the screen around, and I see it’s close to $17,000.
“Great. Do you have the delivery fee added?”
She nods.
“Would you like anything for yourself?”
Her mouth slightly falls open. “You’re serious?”
“Yeah. You’ve helped me tremendously. Whatever you want, add it to my total.”
She walks over to the baby clothes with one-word sayings on the front and grabs two onesies.
“I’m expectin’,” she admits.
“Oh, congrats! It’s a congrats, right?”
She grows giddy with excitement. “Oh yeah. I’ve been tryin’ for the last eight years, and it finally happened. I’m thrilled and excited. Nervous. But that’s normal. Not sure what I’m havin’ yet.”
“Absolutely. I love buying gifts. Have you registered anywhere?” I grab an armful of baby items and carry them to the front for her.
“Not yet. But thank you. Thank you so much.”
We return to the register, and I pull my card from my pocket. She asks for my driver’s license and card and compares the names. Her eyes widen. “You’re Claire Manchester.”
“In the flesh,” I say with a wink.
“I, uh, I, I…”
“My friends call me CeCe. Less formal and all that.”
“You’re royalty,” she tells me.
“Trust me, I’m not. Need my address?”
She hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I write it down.
“I hope they’re paying you a nice commission.” I sign on the machine as she prints out my receipt.
“They are.”
“I’m so glad you helped me. Thanks again! Oh, what time should I expect them to show up?”
“Probably right after lunch. We’ll spend the rest of the morning packing everything for you.”