I give her a look. “Love an independent woman.”
“I don’t expect you to drop everything for me during the busiest time of the year. I’ll be fine. So are you going to let me chop this tree down?”
Taking a step back, I look at her with a lifted brow, then grab a pair of extra gloves from the cart. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
She puts the gloves on, and I hand her the saw. “You’ll use two hands at the base of the tree.”
I guide her over to it and get down on my knees. She looks down at me, and I smile. I pat the ground, and she joins me.
“Like this?” she asks.
“Yeah, now go back and forth on it, and when it feels like the saw is getting caught, I’ll help ya.”
She laughs, putting her weight into it as the teeth of the blade cut against the bark. After a couple of minutes, she takes a breather.
“I thought this was supposed to be easy. I have so much more respect for lumberjacks.” She wipes sweat off her brow, then returns to it.
When she’s halfway through the base, I stand and add some weight to the tree. It cracks and then falls over. Claire stands, placing her boot on the bark and finishing the job.
I lift my hand, and she gives me a high five. “You kicked ass. Got a perfect cut.”
“Thanks. Had a good teacher.” She winks. “First time I’ve ever done that. Feels good.”
“Might need to make it a tradition,” I suggest.
“I’d like that a lot,” she admits as I grab the tree and load it on the golf cart. Before I start the engine, I turn to her. “You sure I’m what you want in life? I’m not a billionaire. Just a Christmas tree farmer with a sassy cat.”
“And that’s what makes you so damn special.”
Jake drives us back to the front of the farm, and I insist on paying. Hudson refuses and stands his ground. With them staring at me like I’ve lost my mind, I realize it’s a lost cause.
“Fine,” I say, tucking my card back into my pocket.
“Will you be joining us for Christmas?” Hudson asks.
I glance at Jake, and I nearly melt.
“The invitation still stands if you’re not busy,” he says.
It’s hard for me to hold back a smile. “I’ll have to check my calendar.”
“Do that and let me know, so I can let my parents know.” Jake smirks. “Wanna drive up here so I can help load your tree?”
“Sure, I’ll be right back.” I suck in a deep breath and make my way to the truck. The line of women waiting for Jake is impressive. Shows me how extensive my sister’s reach is.
I honestly can’t believe she posted that last night after we spoke. I even texted her that I was going to bed, and she didn’t mention it. I’ll have to call her later.
When I arrived this morning, I found a parking spot that would make it easy for me to drive straight out. I hop in, crank it, and the engine roars to life. When I arrive at the loading area, Jake’s eyes widen.
I climb out, using the running board since it’s so tall.
“You rented one of the largest trucks Ram makes.”
“And? It drives like a dream. Already got a speeding ticket, too.”