Page 120 of A Very Merry Mistake


She shakes her head. “Nope. But I know a guy who’s a lumberjack during tree-cutting season.”

I lick my lips and nod, then press on the gas pedal of the cart and drive her through the rows. “When you see one you like, let me know.”

Her eyes on me, she smiles. “Okay.”

“The woman I helped before you told me she wanted one that was lumberjack size.”

Claire snickers. “Don’t blame her. That sounds great. What, six foot three?”

“Yeah.” We pass my brother Lucas on a golf cart, and he looks at me, then Claire, and his mouth falls open. I lift my fingers at him to wave.

He yells, “What? How!”

“Shut up! You’re supposed to be taking care of pre-cuts!” I yell as we make a turn onto another row. The trees are older and much taller. I park, and we get off the cart and take a stroll.

“I’ve missed you,” I mutter. “Tinsel misses you.”

She turns to me. “I’ve missed you both. But especially her.”

I chuckle. “I’ll let her know when I get home. Or maybe you can stop by sometime and tell her yourself.”

“I’d like that.” There’s another long pause. “I hate this tension between us,” she admits, brushing her gloved hand across the branches.

“I do, too. But I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to act. All I want to do is kiss you and hold you and forgive you. But I’m really fucking afraid of being hurt again,” I confess.

“I understand. This time around, I have no secrets. I don’t want to rush. I want to know everything I can about you. Like, what’s your favorite color? What did you want to be when you grew up? Your lucky number?”

I take a step forward. “Green. A lumberjack. Seven. Yours?”

“Red. CEO. Eighteen.”

I laugh. “Somehow, none of those answers surprises me.”

She grabs my hands and pulls me toward her. Then she looks up into my eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, Jake. I’m here for the long haul. But I won’t be a Lacy. I won’t chase you if you don’t want me. I don’t need an answer right now, but if there’s no chance in hell for us, please respect me enough to let me know so I can move on and not have false hope.”

My heart thumps forward, and my brows furrow. “CeCe, I don’t want anyone else. Just you.”

I place my fingers under her chin as I search her eyes. Then I slowly lean in and gently kiss her. Emotions overtake me, and I pull away, swallowing it down. She’s breathless as her eyes flutter open.

“I finished that damn book,” she says.

“Yeah? And?”

“I cried like a baby,” she admits.

I wrap my arm around her. “I guess you aren’t dead inside, then.”

“Not anymore.” She pokes her finger into my chest. “And it’s all because of you. Now, maybe we should get this tree chopped, considering you have a fan club lined up to meet the infamous Jake Jolly. Just remember who your number one is, though.”

“Right back ’atcha, babe.” I shoot her a wink.

“I think this one would be perfect,” she says, pointing at a tree that’s the same height as me.

“You gonna need some help settin’ this up at your house?” I ask, going to the cart and grabbing my saw and gloves to protect my hands.

“Nah, I got it,” she confidently says.