“On your activity in Merryville.”
“Father. I’m on vacation. And that’s it.”
He clicks his tongue. “I’ve spoken with Dale and the legal counsel. I know you’re there to purchase property, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult my intelligence.”
I feel like a little girl being scolded. I swallow down my insecurities regarding him and find my strength. “I don’t care what Dale told you. Plans change. Also, you realize this is his way of retaliating to get what he ultimately wanted: to be in your good graces.”
The line is silent, and I watch the seconds on the call timer pass by. We’ve only been chatting for one minute, and we’re already at a stalemate.
“I knew you wouldn’t be able to follow through.”
Then the line goes dead. I stare at the screen, my thoughts all over the place. The panic swells inside of me, and I realize one of my triggers is my father and his expectations.
I’ve known it for some time, but right now, as my heart rate increases and I feel the hard pounding in my chest, it’s confirmed. As I’m spiraling, Tinsel jumps on the couch. I close my eyes and feel her soft fur and wet, cold nose nudge against me.
“I’m safe,” I whisper, wondering if this will be the time that my heart explodes out of my chest. If Jake will be the one who finds me. More adrenaline pumps through my body, and I try to focus on the gentle coos that Tinsel releases as my hand rests on her back. Then she bites me, and my eyes bolt open.
“Ouch!” I yell, looking down at the indentations of her teeth on my skin as she sits upright, staring at me.
“Meow.” She nudges me hard, and I rub her pointy ears between my fingers as she settles down. Lazily, she lifts a claw, places it on my lap, then digs into my leg as her tail flicks. But she doesn’t take her focus off me.
“What? You like me now?”
She stretches, lets out a groan, and flips over. I see the little patch of white on her belly and run my fingers through her long hair.
Then I realize I’m on the other side of my episode. And it’s because of this ball of fur and her persistent need to give me conflicting signals. Cats are strange creatures, but I appreciate how they decide if you’re worthy. Right now, I want to kiss her cute little face, because she saved me from myself.
Ten minutes later, my sister finally calls me. I decide to keep last night between Jake and me, wanting it to be something I keep tucked deep inside for now. It’s not a secret, but I don’t want to talk about the emotions he’s stirred inside me.
Falling so fast and so hard has my head spinning, and I’m not sure what to do.
January is coming, and I have decisions to make that can potentially ruin not just my life but many others. I usually have all the answers, but right now, I have none.
After my shift, I stop by my parents’ house to discuss what happened yesterday with Lacy. It’s essential that they know that it’s not acceptable. Claire was right when she mentioned my boundaries being stomped on, and I need to make it clear to everyone so it doesn’t happen again. I’m standing up for myself and my personal space and will let my family know that Lacy isn’t allowed to be in my life in any capacity. That ship has sunk.
When I walk in, my mama is in the living room, knitting something that looks like a scarf. It’s thick, with alternating red-and-white stripes.
“Hey, honey,” she says, looking up, seeming almost surprised to see me. I didn’t tell her I was coming because I knew she was home since I chatted with her earlier. Right now, my dad is in town taking photos with children and tourists. A few hours ago, I’d heard the line was four blocks long and growing.
“Hey, Mom.” I sit on the small couch across from her, interlocking my fingers.
She sets down her needles and grins, but my mood is serious. “What’s goin’ on?” she asks.
“First of all, I wanted to say thanks for the shepherd’s pie yesterday. It was great.” I hate having conversations like this, but discomfort makes change possible.
Her brows lift. “Oh, you’re welcome. You know I always make extra. Did Claire enjoy it?”
“She did. Told me to send her thanks as well. She’d never had it before, and I told her I’d teach her how to make it.”
“Please tell her I said she’s welcome, and there’s a lot more where that came from. But I have a feeling there’s more on your mind.”
I nod. Not much gets past my mother. When something bothered me as a kid, I couldn’t fool her, and it’s not any easier as an adult. She knows my mannerisms and can probably predict what I’ll say, but I speak up anyway. “I wanted to discuss Lacy delivering it.”
“Sure, dear.”