The fire draws our attention back. “I can’t seem to understand why you’re single.”

He blinks a few times, and I wonder if he even heard me. Another swig, and then he speaks. “Me either. If you want to know what happened, you’re welcome to ask.”

“I didn’t want to pry.” I reach for the bottle again, and he hands it to me.

“Long story short, she said I made her miserable.”

I can’t help the expression on my face. Disbelief. Pure ridiculousness. He laughs, but I know he doesn’t think it’s funny.

“She waited until I proposed in a very public way to tell me. It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life, I think. The whole town was there when she said no.”

A gasp escapes me. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how that felt.”

“Yeah. I felt this big.” He holds up his fingers, showing about an inch of space. “And what about you?”

My heart pounds in my chest. “I don’t think I’ve had enough booze to discuss it.”

“Three more gulps of that, and you’re gonna be on your ass,” he warns, so I drink that amount.

When I hand him the bottle back, my esophagus is burning, and so is my stomach. I feel as if I can breathe fire at this point.

“Where is she now?”

He sucks in a deep breath. “She’s still around. I run into her often.”

“That must be hard.”

“Sometimes it is. During the holidays, it’s harder. But this time, it’s not quite as bad.”

I scoot closer to him, and we fall into silence and take turns drinking as we listen to the wood popping and crackling.

“How long have you been single?” He asks questions I didn’t expect. It catches me off guard, but I think about it.

“That’s hard to answer,” I admit, feeling the liquid courage soaring through my veins. My thoughts are all over the place, and my mouth almost feels numb. I take the bottle from him again and take another drink. It’s at the point where it goes down like water.

“Whoa, better slow down on that stuff. Like I warned ya earlier, it will put you on your ass. Now, you were sayin’?”

I suck in a breath. “The last man I was dating…was married.” Jake’s kind expression doesn’t change, but I can tell he’s curious. “There is obviously something on your mind. Just ask what you’re thinking.”

“I don’t wanna be rude.”

I shrug. “I won’t think it’s rude.”

He takes another swig. “Did you know he was married?”

“Are you asking if I’m a homewrecker?”

He chuckles. “No. I’d never think that about you. Just curious how that happened.”

The memories flood my mind, and I remember the first time that Dale and I spoke. “He told me they were separated, and they were getting a divorce. And I believed him. His wife found out, and it was a disaster.”

“Fuckin’ prick.” Jake shakes his head. “You deserve better than that. Someone who will commit to you, who wants to make you happy.”

I don’t know why I feel my emotions bubble, but I force it down, something I’m used to doing. “That’s easier said than done. I intimidate most men.”

He bursts out laughing, and I take the bottle.

“What? I’m serious!”