He’s heaving. “Fuck. Could’ve been a scorpion.”
“I think you’re fine. Just don’t kill them. I’ve heard it’s bad luck. Learned that when I was hikin’ Big Bend one summer.”
He glares at me. “Thank you for the random fact of the day. Seriously.”
I chuckle. “You need to get laid, bro. You’re wound up tighter than a ball of yarn.”
“That’s the last thing I need. With women comes trouble,” he tells me. “I just want to be happy. Raise my boy. Live a quiet life.” He huffs. “Why are you lookin’ at me like that?”
“Because I said the same thing. Replace boy with cat.”
Mr. Grumpy turns around and returns to the shed, carrying several boards over his shoulder. But when I pass him, I see the scorpion sitting on his shoulder. I point at it. “Hudson.”
“Oh, shut up,” he says. “I’m not falling for it.”
“No, I swear.” I step forward, quickly swiping it off and onto the ground. “Now you owe me.”
His mouth falls open. “What the hell? Did you not see it on me the first time?”
“No! I swear it wasn’t there. Must’ve been on those boards or something.”
He drops them on the ground. “All right. I’m done for the day. I’ve had enough.”
“I’ve got it,” I tell him, looking in the doorway. There’s not much left anyway.
“Thank you. I’m just not myself,” he says, and I can tell he’s not.
“Bad days happen. Go home. Get ready for tonight and all the fun we’re gonna have.” I grab several rakes, unsure why we have so many of them, and move them off to the side.
“Oh, yeah. Tonight. Almost forgot about it.” He chuckles. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Thanks,” I tell him, a smile meeting my lips. “We’re gonna have a blast.”
It takes me a few hours to clear everything out of the shed, and then I sand down the sign I’m repainting for the entrance. Now, since the farm isn’t struggling, we’ve tried to spend the spring and summer doing maintenance and updates that have been put on the back burner. After I’ve cleared the chipped paint from one side, I call it a day.
Once I’m home, I take a shower and change into some nice shorts and a red polo, which is Claire’s favorite color. Instead of taking the truck, I grab the keys to the bike. We’ve been taking it out more since the weather has been nice. Every Sunday, we cruise to the café for breakfast. I’ll be sad when the temperatures start dropping, because I love the way she holds on and presses against me.
I grab my helmet and then strap Claire’s onto the back just in case she wants to ride home with me. As I crank the engine, I check my pocket to ensure I didn’t forget anything, then make my way to town.
I’m amazed by how many people have arrived since earlier in the day. Most of the places on the lawn are taken. The sun is hanging lazily in the sky and should set within the next hour. I find Hank, Hudson, and Lucas, and they’ve set out a blanket and picnic basic for me and Claire. I open the top and see chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. “Whose idea was this?”
Lucas and Hank glance over at Hudson.
“Damn, you’re fancy,” I tell him, knowing one day he’s going to make someone happy. “Where’s Colby?”
“Mom is feeding him cotton candy and popsicles, then they’ll do some activities. Something about a fish pond and water guns. She said she’ll return him to me when the fireworks start.”
I snicker. “Once he’s good and cranky from walking around and being overloaded with sugar.”
“See what you have to look forward to?” Hudson smirks. “Love the little brat, though. Speaking of…here comes Claire.”
“I’m gonna tell her you said that,” I warn, and he shrugs. The two rib each other like siblings, but it’s all in good fun. Hudson adores Claire, I guess because they’re both grumpy.
When our gazes lock, I immediately smile, and so does she. In a crowd of people, all I see is her, the love of my life. She picks up her pace, and when we’re close, she wraps her arms around me. Our lips slide together, and before I can deepen the kiss any further, Lucas groans.
“Get a room!” he protests. “I don’t mind the kissing. It’s the mouth sloshing that grosses me the fuck out.”
Claire pulls away, her eyes wide as she stares into mine. “Do we mouth slosh? He’s the second person who has said that today.”