“We know who you are!” one woman screams from the back, and it only energizes everyone else.
“Thank you! Okay, so here’s the deal. Y’all all know I’m only one man. And honestly, all this attention is kinda freakin’ me out.”
“Marry me!” someone yells.
I laugh nervously. “Example A.”
Several ladies chuckle. “I’d like y’all to meet my very handsome but single brothers. Hudson, come on out here and meet everyone.” I wait for him to step into view, then continue. “Ladies, this is my older brother Hudson. He’s thirty-eight going on thirty-nine and is more of the serious type, but you know if he laughs at your jokes it’s actually funny.”
I wait for him to break into a smile, but he doesn’t.
“See? He’s just showing you how broody he can be. He might have a hard exterior, but he’s like an M&M, soft on the inside.” I stop speaking before I rub his buttons a tad too hard.
“Now, my younger brother. This is Lucas.” He walks out like he’s on a mini runway and does a turn before coming and standing next to me. “He’s thirty-two and likes to goof around. If you like a teddy bear of a guy, he’s it. Everyone says he’s like my twin. Honestly, think of them as extremes of my personality. Hudson is more of my serious side, and Lucas is more of my funny side. I just stand somewhere in the middle.”
Most eyes are on them, and I let out a relieved breath. “The truth is my heart is taken, and I’m only one man.” The awws happen simultaneously.
“And I know you’re here for a reason, and it ain’t to say hi. So please, find a friend in the crowd and make a day out of cutting a beautiful tree. You probably have something in common, like you might like books.” I raise my hand, and several raise theirs, too.
“Some of you may like brown-haired, green-eyed single men.” The majority raise theirs. “And if that’s you, one of these fine gentlemen will be happy to get on their knees for you,” I clear my throat, patting them on the back, “and cut your tree down. So if you’re ready to get a-choppin’, feel free. I’ll be right here and will be willing to chat with any of ya if you have questions that aren’t about my relationship status.”
Hudson shakes his head as Lucas bursts into laughter. Women surround them, and I move to the side and return the megaphone to Wendy.
“That went well,” she says. “Hudson looked pissed.”
“That’s what he gets for tryin’ to pimp me out.” I shake my head. “If he thought I was gonna sit around and be worked to the bone when my woman is back in town, he’s got me fucked up. That’s not happenin’.”
She knocks on the counter and howls with laughter. “Well, since your schedule has been cleared, whatcha plan on doin’ for the rest of the day?”
I check the time. It’s not even eight. “I’m gonna help them. I’m not a complete dick, but I’m leavin’ here at five on the dot.”
“Yeah? Gonna go see her?”
“You bet your ass.”
* * *
After work, I shower, then I stop by the café and order food to go. Glenda immediately rushes over and pulls me to the side. “Did you know CeCe is back?”
I burst into laughter because she thinks she’s telling me something I don’t already know. “Who do you think this other bowl of chicken and dumplings is for?”
She pats my back. “Good. I was hoping that was the case. I’m throwing in some chocolate cake for you two to celebrate.”
“Thank you,” I tell her. “How much do I owe ya?”
“On the house.” A few minutes later, she hands me a paper bag with her logo on the outside, and she tries to shoo me away. I give her a hug with a thank-you, then head to the flower shop. When I enter, the same woman who helped me before is behind the counter. She immediately perks up when she sees me. “Back again?”
“Yeah,” I say. I know she probably saw the flowers I left on the sidewalk last week. “I need a Christmas dozen,” I tell her. It’s red-and-white roses mixed together with mistletoe sprigs throughout.
She returns with my order, and I happily pay. “Hope she gets them this time,” she says.
“Me too,” I say and climb into the truck. My heart rate ticks at the thought of seeing my girl.
The truth is I have no idea where Claire lives. I just remember she said Candy Cane Lane. So I turn onto North Pole and drive toward South Pole. Toward the middle of the neighborhood, I see the large Ram truck she rented parked crooked in the driveway. It makes me laugh as I find a place on the street. When I take to the sidewalk, I’m impressed by the lights on the house and the tree we cut down displayed in her window. I’m also impressed that she was able to get that tree in by herself, and it looks perfect.
As I get closer, I hear the fire alarms going off inside. I pick up my pace and run up the steps. I frantically knock on the door. “Claire! Open up.”
I move to the window and can see around the top of the tree. There’s smoke inside, and she’s in the kitchen waving an oven mitt around. She opens the oven and pulls out a tray of something. I tap hard on the window and capture her attention. When she finally sees me, she rushes over and opens the door. The alarms are still blaring. “Sorry! I didn’t hear you. Oh, what’s that?” She looks down at the food, and I hand her the flowers.